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Diku Norwegian Artistic Research Programme

VIS – Nordic Journal for Artistic Research releases its fifth issue with a special presentation in conjunction with Artisitc Research Forum by the Norwegian Artistic Research Programme.

Monday March 15th at 18:00.

Edited by professor Trond Lossius, the issue’s theme is “One more time, let’s do it again”, with expositions working with the artistic potential of repetition, returning to work from another time or revisiting previously explored ideas. To celebrate the release, Trond Lossius will describe some of the new impulses and perspectives that have been raised during the work with the issue, as well as presenting the various ways the contributors of the issue have tackled the theme. In addition, Jacek Smolicki will present his exposition “Minuting. Rethinking the Ordinary Through the Ritual of Transversal Listening.” from the issue.


Meeting ID: 630 1350 3129

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