JAR19 is here |
Journal for Artistic Research (JAR) |
Journal for Artistic Research (JAR) [ver más abajo para la versión en español / veja abaixo para a versão em português / siehe unten für die Deutsche Fassung] The online, peer-reviewed journal for the publication and discussion of artistic research. JAR is open-access, free to read, and to contribute. The Journal for Artistic Research (JAR) is an international, online, Open Access and peer-reviewed journal that disseminates artistic research from all disciplines. JAR invites the ever-increasing number of artistic researchers to develop what for the sciences and humanities are standard academic publication procedures. It serves as a meeting point of diverse practices and methodologies in a field that has become a worldwide movement with many local activities. We are very proud to announce our nineteenth issue with the following contributions: Anette Baldauf et. al., Study of/as Commoning, which explores the debates on the commons and the different practices of commoning as potentially providing new entry points for a radical repudiation of neoliberalism. (doi: 10.22501/jar.431113) Emilio Angel Reyes Bassail, Memory as a Method for Filmmaking, developing a method for filmmaking that uses autobiographical memory as a guiding principle blurring in the process the line that separates memory from imagination. (doi: 10.22501/jar.648128) Sofia Hallik and Darja Popolitova, Digitally Produced Jewellery: Tactile Qualities of a Digital Touch, which investigates the intangible qualities of tactility in the field of digital crafts. (doi: 10.22501/jar.612909) Julie Marsh, Site-integrity: a dynamic exchange between site, artist, device and audience, which proposes site-integrity as a working methodology that creates involvement in rather than observations of site. (doi: 10.22501/jar.596787) Julieanna Preston, Sounding Out Vacancy: Performing (anything but) Empty Space, which translates the intentions and experience of her 2014 performance Sounding Out Vacancy as a piece of spatial writing. (doi: 10.22501/jar.353552) Keywords include: commons, study, methodology, memory, filmmaking, contemporary jewellery, tactility, digital technologies, site-integrity, collaboration, phenomenology, sound, surface, performance, materiality.
'Cuddling the Minotaur: Year One of the Tel Aviv Salon for Artistic Research’, in which Gabriel S. Moses and Nitzan Chelouche look at the sessions held in 2018/19 at the Tel Aviv AR Salon. (doi: 10.22501/jarnet.0024) Resenha do livro Henk Slager, ‘The Pleasure of Research’ [PT/EN] by Josè Quaresma. (doi: 10.22501/jarnet.0026) Resenha do livro Christian Andersen and Søren Bro Pold, ‘The Metainterface. The Art of Platforms, Cities, and Clouds’ [PT] by Yara Guasque. (doi: 10.22501/jarnet.0025) Review of Paulo de Assis, ‘Logic of Experimentation: Rethinking Music Performance through Artistic Research’ by Ronald Bogue. (doi: 10.22501/jarnet.0023) Review of Corina Caduff and Tan Wälchli (eds.), ‘Artistic Research and Literature’ by Tobias Servaas. (doi: 10.22501/jarnet.0022) Review of Gemma Anderson, ‘Drawing as a Way of Knowing in Art and Science’ by Barbara Graf. (doi: 10.22501/jarnet.0021) Review of Michael Schwab (ed.), 'Transpositions. Aesthetico-Epistemic Operators in Artistic Research’ by Theodor Barth. (doi: 10.22501/jarnet.0020)
JAR provides a digital platform where multiple methods, media and articulations can function together to generate insights in artistic research endeavours. In its peer-reviewed section, it seeks to promote ‘expositions’ of practice as research. JAR views artistic research as an evolving field where research and art are positioned as mutually influential. Recognising that the field is ever developing and expanding, JAR remains open to continued re-evaluation of its publishing criteria. If you are considering submitting something to the journal, be sure to look at our guidelines. The deadline for JAR 23 (third issue of 2020) is 2 March 2020.
The Network is a non-peer-reviewed space on the JAR website for discussion, reviews and opinion pieces relevant to artistic research and JAR’s community. It carries no restrictions in terms of language, length, topic or theme. You can read all contributions here.
JAR works with an international editorial board and a large panel of peer-reviewers. Editor in Chief: Michael Schwab Editorial Board: Annette Arlander, Lucia D’Errico, Barnaby Drabble, Mika Elo, Azadeh Fatehrad, Yara Guasque, Manuel Ángel Macía, Mareli Stolp, Nicole Vennemann, and Mariela Yeregui.
JAR is published by the Society for Artistic Research (SAR), an independent, non-profit association. You can support JAR by becoming an individual or institutional member of SAR. For updates on our activities, join our mailing list. If you want to reach us, please use our contact form. JAR19 ya está aquí Journal for Artistic Research (JAR) La revista online, con revisión por pares, para la publicación y discusión de la investigación artística. JAR es de acceso libre y está abierta a la lectura y a las contribuciones. Estamos muy orgullosxs de anunciar nuestro número 19 que cuenta con las siguientes contribuciones : Anette Baldauf et. al., Study of/as Commoning, explora los debates en torno a los comunes y las diferentes prácticas de los comunes como potenciales puntos de entrada para un repudio radical al neoliberalismo. (doi: 10.22501/jar.431113) Emilio Angel Reyes Bassail, Memory as a Method for Filmmaking, desarrolla un método de realización cinematográfica que usa a la memoria autobiográfica como principio constructivo, difuminado en el proceso la línea que separa a la memoria de la imaginación. (doi: 10.22501/jar.648128) Sofia Hallik and Darja Popolitova, Digitally Produced Jewellery: Tactile Qualities of a Digital Touch, investiga las cualidades intangibles del tacto en el campo de las artesanías digitales. (doi: 10.22501/jar.612909) Julie Marsh, Site-integrity: a dynamic exchange between site, artist, device and audience, propone la integridad del sitio (site-integrity) como metodología de trabajo que crea un involucramiento en el sitio aún más que las observaciones del mismo. (doi: 10.22501/jar.596787) Julieanna Preston, Sounding Out Vacancy: Performing (anything but) Empty Space traduce las intenciones y la experiencia de su performance de 2014 Sounding Out Vacancy como una pieza de escritura espacial. (doi: 10.22501/jar.353552) Palabras-clave: commons, study, methodology, memory, filmmaking, contemporary jewellery, tactility, digital technologies, site-integrity, collaboration, phenomenology, sound, surface, performance, materiality.
Échele un vistazo a JAR19 y lea el editorial de Michael Schwab aquí.
En este nuevo número, las páginas de la 'Network' del sitio de JAR ofrecen una nueva reflexión y seis nuevas reseñas de libros. 'Cuddling the Minotaur: Year One of the Tel Aviv Salon for Artistic Research’, en la que Gabriel S. Moses y Nitzan Chelouche revisan las sesiones llevadas a cabo en el Salon Tel Aviv AR en 2018/19. (doi: 10.22501/jarnet.0024) Resenha do livro Henk Slager, ‘The Pleasure of Research’ [PT/EN] by Josè Quaresma. (doi: 10.22501/jarnet.0026) Resenha do livro Christian Andersen and Søren Bro Pold, ‘The Metainterface. The Art of Platforms, Cities, and Clouds’ [PT] by Yara Guasque. (doi: 10.22501/jarnet.0025) Review of Paulo de Assis, ‘Logic of Experimentation: Rethinking Music Performance through Artistic Research’ by Ronald Bogue. (doi: 10.22501/jarnet.0023) Review of Corina Caduff and Tan Wälchli (eds.), ‘Artistic Research and Literature’ by Tobias Servaas. (doi: 10.22501/jarnet.0022) Review of Gemma Anderson, ‘Drawing as a Way of Knowing in Art and Science’ by Barbara Graf. (doi: 10.22501/jarnet.0021) Review of Michael Schwab (ed.), 'Transpositions. Aesthetico-Epistemic Operators in Artistic Research’ by Theodor Barth. (doi: 10.22501/jarnet.0020)
JAR trabaja con un consejo editorial internacional y un vasto panel de revisores de pares. JAR19 chegou! Journal for Artistic Research (JAR) O periódico online avaliado por pareceristas para a publicação e discussão da pesquisa artística. JAR é de acesso gratuito, aberto a contribuições. O Journal for Artistic Research (JAR) é um periódico internacional, de acesso aberto e gratuito, avaliado por pareceristas, que dissemina a pesquisa artística de todas as disciplinas. O JAR convida um número crescente de pesquisadores em artes para desenvolver os procedimentos acadêmicos de publicação considerados padrão para as ciências e as humanidades. O periódico serve como um ponto de congregação das diversas práticas e metodologias num campo que se tornou num movimento mundial com muitas atividades locais. Estamos muito orgulhosos de anunciar nossa décima nona edição com as contribuições a seguir: Anette Baldauf et. al., Study of/as Commoning, que explora o debate do bem comum e as diferentes práticas de colaboração como potencializadoras de novas investidas para um radical repúdio do neoliberalismo. (doi: 10.22501/jar.431113) Emilio Angel Reyes Bassail, Memory as a Method for Filmmaking, desenvolvendo um método para filmagens que usam a memória autobiográfica como um princípio normativo diluindo no processo a linha divisória que separa memória de imaginação. (doi: 10.22501/jar.648128) Sofia Hallik and Darja Popolitova, Digitally Produced Jewellery: Tactile Qualities of a Digital Touch, que investiga as qualidades intangíveis da tateabilidade na área do artesanato digital. (doi: 10.22501/jar.612909) Julie Marsh, Site-integrity: a dynamic exchange between site, artist, device and audience, que propõe a integridade do sítio (site-integrity) como uma metodologia de trabalho que cria envolvimento ao invés da observação do sítio. (doi: 10.22501/jar.596787) Julieanna Preston, Sounding Out Vacancy: Performing (anything but) Empty Space, que traduz as intenções e experiência de sua performance de 2014, Sounding Out Vacancy, como uma peça de escrita espacial. (doi: 10.22501/jar.353552) Palavras-chave: commons, study, methodology, memory, filmmaking, contemporary jewellery, tactility, digital technologies, site-integrity, collaboration, phenomenology, sound, surface, performance, materiality.
Veja JAR 19 e leia o editorial escrito por Michael Schwab aqui.
Com esta edição, as páginas do ‘Network’ do site do JAR oferece uma nova reflexão e seis resenhas de livros: 'Cuddling the Minotaur: Year One of the Tel Aviv Salon for Artistic Research’, na qual Gabriel S. Moses e Nitzan Chelouche se debruçam sobre as sessões que aconteceram em 2018/2019 no Tel Aviv AR Salão. (doi: 10.22501/jarnet.0024) Resenha do livro Henk Slager, ‘The Pleasure of Research’ [PT/EN] by Josè Quaresma. (doi: 10.22501/jarnet.0026) Resenha do livro Christian Andersen and Søren Bro Pold, ‘The Metainterface. The Art of Platforms, Cities, and Clouds’ [PT] by Yara Guasque. (doi: 10.22501/jarnet.0025) Review of Paulo de Assis, ‘Logic of Experimentation: Rethinking Music Performance through Artistic Research’ by Ronald Bogue. (doi: 10.22501/jarnet.0023) Review of Corina Caduff and Tan Wälchli (eds.), ‘Artistic Research and Literature’ by Tobias Servaas. (doi: 10.22501/jarnet.0022) Review of Gemma Anderson, ‘Drawing as a Way of Knowing in Art and Science’ by Barbara Graf. (doi: 10.22501/jarnet.0021) Review of Michael Schwab (ed.), 'Transpositions. Aesthetico-Epistemic Operators in Artistic Research’ by Theodor Barth. (doi: 10.22501/jarnet.0020)
No site do JAR, o Network é um espaço para discussão, publicação de resenhas e reflexões relevantes à comunidade de pesquisa artística do JAR, sem ser avaliado por pares. Ele não tem restrições em termos de linguagem, extensão, tópico ou tema. Você pode ler todas as contribuições aqui.
O JAR trabalha com uma comissão editorial internacional e amplo painel de pareceristas. Editor Resposável: Michael Schwab Comissão Editorial: Annette Arlander, Lucia D’Errico, Barnaby Drabble, Mika Elo, Azadeh Fatehrad, Yara Guasque, Manuel Ángel Macía, Mareli Stolp, Nicole Vennemann, e Mariela Yeregui.
Se você quiser nos contatar, por favor use o formulário de contato.
Journal for Artistic Research (JAR) Die Online-Fachzeitschrift mit Peer-Review-Prüfung für die Veröffentlichung und Diskussion künstlerischer Forschung. JAR ist uneingeschränkt für Leser und Beitragende zugänglich. Das Journal for Artistic Research (JAR) ist eine internationale Online-Fachzeitschrift mit Peer-Review-Prüfung, die künstlerische Forschung aus allen Disziplinen veröffentlicht und bekannt macht. JAR lädt hierfür eine immer größer werdende Anzahl künstlerischer Forscher dazu ein, Standardverfahren für die akademischen Veröffentlichungen zu entwickeln. JAR dient als Treffpunkt für verschiedene Praktiken und Methoden in einem Bereich, der zu einer weltweiten Bewegung mit vielen lokalen Aktivitäten geworden ist. Wir freuen uns sehr, unsere neunzehnte Ausgabe mit den folgenden Beitra?gen anku?ndigen zu ko?nnen: Anette Baldauf et. al., Study of/as Commoning, untersucht die Debatten über die ‘Commons’ und die verschiedenen Praktiken des ‘Commoning’ als Möglichkeit, neue Zugänge zu schaffen, die den Neoliberalismus auf radikale Weise nicht anerkennen. (doi: 10.22501/jar.431113) Emilio Angel Reyes Bassail, Memory as a Method for Filmmaking, entwickelt eine Methode für das Filmemachen, die auf autobiografischem Gedächtnis basiert und im Zuge derer, die Grenze zwischen Gedächtnis und Fantasie verschwimmt. (doi: 10.22501/jar.648128) Sofia Hallik and Darja Popolitova, Digitally Produced Jewellery: Tactile Qualities of a Digital Touch, untersuchen die nicht greifbaren Qualitäten der Fühlbarkeit im Gebiet des digitalen Handwerks. (doi: 10.22501/jar.612909) Julie Marsh, Site-integrity: a dynamic exchange between site, artist, device and audience, schlägt ‘site-integrity’ als Arbeitsmethodologie vor, die statt einer Beobachtung die Beteiligung an einer Situation ermöglicht. (doi: 10.22501/jar.596787) Julieanna Preston, Sounding Out Vacancy: Performing (anything but) Empty Space übersetzt die Intensionen und Erfahrungen ihrer Performance Sounding Out Vacancy aus dem Jahre 2014 in ein Stück räumlichen Schreibens. (doi: 10.22501/jar.353552) Keywords sind u.a.: commons, study, methodology, memory, filmmaking, contemporary jewellery, tactility, digital technologies, site-integrity, collaboration, phenomenology, sound, surface, performance, materiality.
Im Netzwerkbereich der JAR-Webseite finden Sie mit dieser Ausgabe eine neue Betrachtung und sechs neue Rezensionen: 'Cuddling the Minotaur: Year One of the Tel Aviv Salon for Artistic Research’, in der Gabriel S. Moses und Nitzan Chelouche die Treffen des Tel Aviv AR Salon der Jahre 2018 und 2019 besprechen. (doi: 10.22501/jarnet.0024) Resenha do livro Henk Slager, ‘The Pleasure of Research’ [PT/EN] by Josè Quaresma. (doi: 10.22501/jarnet.0026) Resenha do livro Christian Andersen and Søren Bro Pold, ‘The Metainterface. The Art of Platforms, Cities, and Clouds’ [PT] by Yara Guasque (doi: 10.22501/jarnet.0025) Review of Paulo de Assis, ‘Logic of Experimentation: Rethinking Music Performance through Artistic Research’ by Ronald Bogue. (doi: 10.22501/jarnet.0023) Review of Corina Caduff and Tan Wälchli (eds.), ‘Artistic Research and Literature’ by Tobias Servaas. (doi: 10.22501/jarnet.0022) Review of Gemma Anderson, ‘Drawing as a Way of Knowing in Art and Science’ by Barbara Graf. (doi: 10.22501/jarnet.0021) Review of Michael Schwab (ed.), 'Transpositions. Aesthetico-Epistemic Operators in Artistic Research’ by Theodor Barth. (doi: 10.22501/jarnet.0020)
Das Netzwerk ist ein nicht von Experten begutachteter Bereich auf der JAR-Website für Diskussionen, Rezensionen und Meinungsbeiträge, die für die künstlerische Forschung und die JAR-Community relevant sind. Es gibt keine Einschränkungen in Bezug auf Sprache, Länge, Gegenstand oder Thematik. Alle Beiträge können Sie hier nachlesen. JAR arbeitet mit einer international besetzten Redaktion und einer großen Gemeinschaft von Gutachtern zusammen. Chefredakteur: Michael Schwab Redaktionelle Leitung: Annette Arlander, Lucia D'Errico, Barnaby Drabble, Mika Elo, Azadeh Fatehrad, Yara Guasque, Manuel Ángel Macía, Mareli Stolp, Nicole Vennemann und Mariela Yeregui.
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Contact: jar@jar-online.net |