Visioning the Future focusses on the Artistic Doctorate in Ireland in the Performing Arts (Dance, Music and Theatre) and Film/Screen Media. The project asks how and what we can learn from previous practice and research into the pedagogies and potential of the Artistic Doctorate, and especially, how this relates to the unique ecology of Ireland. Informed by developments in the wider European environment, the project aims to contribute to the development of national policy and protocol supporting the establishment of best practices in the sector, including a collection of free downloadable Open Educational Resources for students, supervisors, and examiners.
Online Seminar Series launches on June 30th at 11am:
Fifteen seminars over three months in four parts: I – The European Context, II Current Practices in Ireland, III Student Perspectives and IV Visioning the Future for Artistic Doctorates in Ireland.
International guest speakers Paulo de Assis (Orpheus Institute, Ghent), Annette Arlander (University of the Arts, Helsinki), Andrea Braidt (University of Vienna), Gretchen Schiller (University of Grenoble Alpes), Vida Midgelow (Midlesex University) open up discussions on artistic research, followed by conversations with staff across Irish Third Level institutions as well as contributions from the Irish Research Council, IMBAS, the Irish forum for artistic research and PhD students in Ireland.
Join us for lively presentations and debate about Artistic Research PhDs and the Irish context in Europe. Register here.
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This 12-month research project is funded by the Irish Higher Education Authority through a National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning Award, and hosted by the School of Film, Music & Theatre at University College Cork in collaboration with IMBAS, the Irish forum for artistic research.
Warm wishes,
Jools Gilson (Project Lead & Professor of Creative Practive)
Inês Bento Coelho (Postdoctoral Researcher)
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