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Theatre Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki

Save the Date: CARPA8

The Performing Arts Research Centre (Tutke) in collaboration with the Comparative Dramaturgy and Performance Research Programme of the Theatre Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, are announcing the eighth international conference on artistic research:

Colloquium on Artistic Research in Performing Arts CARPA8: 

‘solved by moving’ 


This convening, a colloquium & laboratory, will bring together two processual activities and keep them in motion: dramaturgy and artistic research. CARPA8 inquires what happens to artistic research when it takes a dramaturgical twist. How can and how do we forward generative, wandering crossovers between the two? The event, dynamic in form and content, aims to combine embodied artistic practice and demonstration with timely conceptualisation and theorisation. It will assemble artists and practitioners from the performing arts field with innovators, researchers, and theorists to explore, experiment and discuss how expanded notions of artistic research and dramaturgy cross-fertilise these fields and beyond.

Dates: 24 – 26 August 2023

Venue: Theatre Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland

Conference committee:
Otso Huopaniemi (Chair)
Leena Rouhiainen (Chair)
Jess Applebaum
Katalin Trencsényi 

Conference manager:
Riitta Pasanen-Willberg 

Call to be announced: 30 November 2022

Conference website: CARPA8




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