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Filmacademy Vienna /Filmakademie Wien (mdw - Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien)

Confronting Realities. Working on Cinematic Autosociobiographies

Following on from currently booming autosociobiographical narratives, the symposium asks about autosociobiographical modes of narration and artistic procedures in the realm of the cinematic: Do they exist at all, or have they yet to be 'invented'? Where in contemporary filmmaking and/or in film history can points of contact be found? What could be the themes, forms and procedures of autosociobiographical film practices? What are the particular challenges and potentials of filmic autosociobiographies? What can the sensuality and evidence of cinematic images and sounds do in the face of narratives that aim at intersecting aesthetics and sociology? And what is the status of first-person stories that emerge under the constitutively collaborative production conditions of filmmaking?

The symposium addresses these and other questions by bringing theory and practice into conversation with each other: insights from film production and from artistic practice meet perspectives from sociology, film and literary studies - and vice versa.

6. & 7. October 2022: A symposium of the Filmacademy Vienna-based artistic research project "Confronting Realities. Working on filmic autosociobiographies" (funded by FWF/PEEK). Concept and organization: Nina Kusturica, Elena Meilicke, Claudia Walkensteiner-Preschl, Christina Wintersteiger-Wilplinger and Barbara Wolfram.

Symposium report soon on:




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