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IKF – Institute for Artistic Research of the Filmuniversity Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF in collaboration with the research group Media Aesthetics of the University of Oslo and Nordland School of Arts and

NEW ENTANGLEMENTS: Philosophy, Aesthetics and Artistic Research in Film

Online Symposium 1—2 December 2022

The field of artistic research has been developing during the last decades; it has become an essential matter mainly in the art world and its different disciplinary manifestations such as graphic and plastic arts, literature, music, performing arts as well as film. Artistic research in the medium film is thereby a recent endeavor without much developed theoretical reflection. Artistic research in general is widely apprehended as research based on artistic means; it is experimental and follows self-reflexively its own methods in search for “other” knowledge and aesthetic forms of insight and thought. What are the particularities that the medium film contributes with here?

In recent years, artistic research has raised an increasing interest in the humanities, as well in philosophical aesthetics. In these contexts, however, the philosophical reflection on artistic research in the medium film has been mostly neglected. Artistic research in film means thinking through the practice, knowledge and perspectives of filmmaking and its inherent concepts and language. By organizing this symposium, we propose as well to explore new entanglements that are emerging in-between philosophy, aesthetics and artistic research in film. As one example, we propose to look at film-philosophy which is a growing strand of thought that argues for a form of philosophizing in, with, and through film.

How can the discussion on artistic research enable a type of thinking in which film engages in philosophically relevant reflection? How does such a reflection meet with issues discussed in philosophy of film? Furthermore, does artistic research implement an area in which art and philosophy even merge as creative practices of thought? And what is artistic research in film anyway?

Christine Reeh Peters, Elisabeth Brun

Please see the program and register here:

Registration closes at the 28th of November.






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