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Anton Bruckner Private University

B-Call 2024 - Anton Bruckner Doctoral Scholarships

Announcement of doctoral scholarships at the Anton Bruckner Private University on the topic of "Anton Bruckner" for the occasion of the Bruckner Year 2024.

On the occasion of the bicentenary of Anton Bruckner's birth, the Anton Bruckner Private University is offering three doctoral scholarships in the fields of academic and artistic-scholarly doctoral studies. Funding totalling € 50000 is available for the three scholarships.

Deadline for application 17.2.2023

Applicants are free to choose the specific topic of their doctoral dissertation. In principle, however, the funded doctoral projects must research "Anton Bruckner", "The Work of Anton Bruckner", "Anton Bruckner's Influences and/or Aftermath" either from a musicological, cultural studies, music-historical, or pedagogical perspective, or address Bruckner in the context of an artistic-scholarly dissertation through research into the applicant's own artistic practice.  

The Bruckner Scholarships are offered in the following disciplines

In the artistic-scholarly doctoral programme

  • Historical Performance Practice
  • Composition
  • Contemporary Dance

The objective of an artistic-scholarly doctorate is the realisation of a research project in which artistic and scholarly methods are related to each other and the result of the research becomes comprehensible and communicable on both levels. It is fundamental that the research project uses the student's own art practice as its central focus. Research questions and central research methods are developed from and lead back to the art, knowledge, and practice of the artists. Artistic research also uses methods from other sciences and often works in an interdisciplinary manner, but is fundamentally research for art, through art, and with the means of art.

In the academic doctoral programme

  • Pedagogy
  • Cultural studies in relation to music
  • Musicology
  • Interpretation research

The academic doctoral programme imparts and promotes theoretical understanding and methodological competencies at postgraduate level with the aim of providing young researchers with the ability to carry out critical, independent, and original academic work over and above their academic professional training. The doctoral programme at the Anton Bruckner Private University as an artistic university, with its strong departments in historical musicology, cultural studies, music education and dance studies, explicitly supports interdisciplinary approaches and encourages artistic and scholarly topics, methods, and findings, as well as dissemination and mediation formats to relate directly to each other.

Doctoral studies at the Anton Bruckner Private University

The Anton Bruckner Private University offers a transdisciplinary, structured doctoral programme in both artistic and academic research. Our doctoral students are each supervised by an individual team of internationally active experts in their fields. Students have access to studios for dance, the computer music laboratory Sonic Lab, a modern recording studio, and concert halls, which cater for a vast array of research requirements. In addition, students are offered a broad professional network through our collaborations with four renowned universities for secondary supervision: Paris Lodron University, Salzburg, the University of Art, Linz, the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna, and the Bern University of the Arts (Switzerland).

Further Information:
Applications open: 1 December 2022 – 17 February 2023
Commencement of studies: October 2023.

Scholarship: Funding totalling € 50000 is available for the three scholarships over a period of 3 years.

Applicants must undergo the regular, qualitative selection procedure for doctoral studies at the ABPU. In addition, their applications will be reviewed by a jury of experts.

For further information on applications, dates, and appointments, click here:


Univ.Prof. Dr. Barbara Lüneburg

Head of Doctoral Studies




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