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Anton Bruckner Private University Linz/Austria

Call for Applications: Doctoral Studies at Anton Bruckner Private University

Application deadline: 17.2.2023 for doctoral studies starting in the winter semester of 2023/24
The Anton Bruckner Private University (ABPU) in Linz invites potential candidates in both artistic and scholarly research to apply for its transdisciplinary doctoral programme. Our doctoral students are each supervised by an individual team of internationally active experts in their field and receive a comprehensive, structured course programme. 
In the artistic doctoral programme, areas of research may be chosen from the following fields of research:
  • Composition
  • Contemporary performance practice
  • Contemporary dance
  • Historical performance practice
  • Instrumental performance studies
  • Theory and practice of artistic research

In the academic doctoral programme, areas of research may be chosen from the following fields of research:

  • Cultural studies in musicology
  • Interpretation research
  • Musicology
  • Music Education

Additional highlight in 2023:

For the occasion of the Bruckner Year 2024, the Anton Bruckner Private University announces three scholarships for doctoral researchers from scholarly or artistic scholarly disciplines who intend to engage with the topic of Anton Bruckner. More information can be found here: 

B-Call 2024 Doctoral Scholarships



From the outset and continuing throughout the programme of study, our doctoral candidates will be offered a broad professional network through our cooperation with renowned Austrian and Swiss universities for co-supervision: the Paris Lodron University, Salzburg; the University of Art and Design, Linz; the University for Music and the Performing Arts, Vienna, and the Hochschule der Künste Bern, HKB.


PARL – Platform for Art and Research Linz offers a variety of exchange and networking opportunities in the fields of art and research, knowledge transfer and research communication. With this series, our research community takes a look at the rich space that opens up between art and research.

Here, doctoral students meet international lecturers and artistic researchers through workshops, concerts and symposia. PARL also offers them the opportunity to present and discuss their own research in front of an audience of peers. The intensive exchange between purely academic fields and the discipline of artistic research opens up synergies for both.


The doctoral students have access to dance studios, the Sonic Lab computer music laboratory, a modern recording studio and concert halls for a wide range of requirements, as well as excellent audio and video equipment dedicated to the doctoral programmes. In addition, they receive funding for conference participation, archival work and documentation of their research. 

Further information:
General information can be found on the university website under Doctoral Programmes at Anton Bruckner Private University, Linz, Austria.

Under the following sublinks you will find information on the admission requirements, study plans and supervisors of the individual degree programmes:

For any other enquiries please contact the director of doctoral studies, Prof. Dr. Barbara Lüneburg at




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