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Society for Artistic Research

Reminder Annual Prize for Best RC Exposition 2022 - New Deadline 15.02.23

The Executive Board of SAR announces again the Annual Prize for Excellent Research Catalogue Exposition 2020. The prize aims to foster and encourage innovative, experimental new formats of publication and, on the other hand, to give visibility to the qualities of artistic research artifacts. The Executive Board will appoint a new jury to assess the submissions. The jury consists of one member of the SAR Executive Board, one representative from portal partners, and one former prize winner.

Facts and figures

Deadline for submission: February 15, 2023.

Publication period of submission: Jan 1, 2022 – Dec 31, 2022.

Prize Award: € 500.

Conditions: The publication/exposition must have been published (not only shared) on the RC catalogue platform. The language used in the exposition must be English. Anyone is invited to make a submission. The following must be identified by the metadata of the exposition: Author(s), Title, Research Catalogue URL (date).

Address for submissions:

Award Ceremony: SAR International Conference, April 19 – 21, 2023, Trondheim, Norway.




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