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.able launch week | March 23 - 29

On March 23, .able, a free image-based multiplatform journal that publishes research at the intersection of art, design and sciences, will be inaugurated. To celebrate the launch, from March 23 to 29, 2023, a week of activities is being held to discover .able, and explore radically new forms of publications focused on investigating contemporary sociopolitical, anthropotechnical, and environmental issues. Online events and in-person meetings in France and Spain will be offered in French, English, and Spanish for a first introduction to .able and its network.

Consult detailed program


March 23 | 6 pm – 9 pm (UTC+1)
opening night (fr)
PARIS > École des Arts Décoratifs (reservation recommended)
ONLINE > zoom (generated English subtitles) and social media @ablejournal
consult evening program

March 24 | 5 pm – 6:30 pm (UTC+1)
academic publishing beyond text (en)
.able webinar
ONLINE > zoom (open access)
with the participation of:
Ricardo Devesa, (Actar Publishers and urbanNext, ES-CT), Lucile Haute (Université de Nîmes, École des Arts Décoratifs – PSL, FR), Peter Lunenfeld (UCLA, US-CA), Gisèle Trudel (UQÀM, CA-QC)

March 25 | 4 pm – 5:30 pm (UTC+1)

holding on: photography and reflexive ethnography (fr)
PARIS > Galerie VU’, 58 rue Saint-Lazare, 75009 Paris (reservation required)
with the participation of:
Jean Robert Dantou (Agence VU’, SACRe, ENS – PSL, FR), Florence Weber (ENS – PSL, FR), Samuel Bianchini (École des Arts Décoratifs – PSL, FR)

March 27 | 6 pm – 7 pm (UTC+2) 

inside the making of .able (en)
live Q&A
ONLINE > Instagram @ablejournal
with the participation of:
Karen Holmberg (NYU Gallatin, US-NY), Constanza Gomez (Fundación ProCultura, CL), Gwenaëlle Lallemand (.able journal, FR), Pauline Personeni (Actar Publishers and urbanNext, ES-CT)

March 29 | 6 pm – 9 pm (UTC+2)
publicar investigación artística: .able journal, hacía otra imaginación editorial (es/en)
meeting and round table
with the participation of: Samuel Bianchini (.able journal, École des Arts Décoratifs – PSL, FR), Andres Burbano (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, ES-CT), Manuel Cirauqui (Eina Idea, ES-CT), Francesca Cozzolino (École des Arts Décoratifs – PSL, FR), Ricardo Devesa (Actar Publishers and urbanNext, ES-CT), Anna Manubens (Hangar, ES-CT)
Marie-Stéphane Maradeix (Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso, FR-ES), María Fernanda Moscoso (BAU, Hangar, ES-CT), Pierre Puentes (independent designer, CO), Guillem Serrahima Solà (Université Paris 8, FR)


A free-of-charge and open-access journal available from March 23, 2023: Also distributed on social media at @ablejournal.

Created at the initiative of La Chaire Arts & Sciences of the École Polytechnique, the École des Arts Décoratifs – PSL, and the Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso, .able journal is published by Actar Publishers and supported by some thirty international academic partners, brought together to publish innovative interdisciplinary research.




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