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University of the Arts Helsinki Theatre Academy

Reminder: CARPA8 registration is open

The Performing Arts Research Centre (Tutke) in collaboration with the Comparative Dramaturgy and Performance Research Programme of the Theatre Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, are arranging the eight international conference on artistic research

SOLVITUR AMBULANDO ‘solved by moving’ 
an ambulatory colloquium & laboratory 

Conference dates: 24-26 August 2023
Venue: University of the Arts Helsinki Theatre Academy, Haapaniemenkatu 6, 00530 Helsinki

Registration is open from 12 June to 13 August 2023 (EEST +3:00 at 23:59).

CARPA8 combines colloquium and laboratory, by bringing together two processual activities and keeping them in motion: dramaturgy and artistic research. The event, dynamic in form and content, aims to combine embodied artistic practice with timely conceptualisation and theorisation to enquire what happens to artistic research when it takes a dramaturgical twist. We will assemble artists and practitioners from the performing arts field with innovators, researchers and theorists to explore, experiment and discuss how expanded notions of dramaturgy and artistic research cross-fertilise each other and expand into other fields.

Plenary Session Presenters

Synne K. Behrndt
Lecturer, researcher and dramaturg
Assistant Professor
The Department for Performing Arts
University of the Arts, Stockholm

Marcela A. Fuentes
Associate Professor
Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Performance Studies
Northwestern University

Hanns Holger Rutz
Professor for Artistic Research
Gustav Mahler Private University for Music (GMPU)

Conference registration fees
Before you register, please read more information about the program and registration on the website: CARPA8

Presenters and participants (also Uniarts Helsinki presenters/participants)
210 € + banking costs (coffees, lunches and dinner included)
160 € + banking costs (coffees and lunches included)

Student presenters and students (also Uniarts Helsinki students/student presenters): a valid student ID is required
150 € + banking costs (lunches, coffees and dinner included)
100 € + banking costs (lunches, coffees included)

Please finalize the registration to CARPA8 by paying the conference fee + banking costs. The fee must be paid at the same time as you complete your registration, it cannot be paid later. Unfortunately, we cannot refund paid registration fees.

We accept the following forms of payment:
Finnish banks (verkkopankki) with 4 EUR banking costs
Visa or Mastercard with 5 EUR banking costs

If you have a panel presentation, each member of your group is requested to register and pay separately. This registration form will be sent to your group members, too.

Uniarts registrations: There are no free registration fees for Uniarts Helsinki presenters and other participants. If your study programme or Uniarts Helsinki pays your fee, add the unit or project number to your payment in the registration form. Notice: it is not possible to make the registration payment with the Uniarts Helsinki`s credit card.

Please, register here: CARPA8 Registration
The online registration is open until 13 August 2023 at 23:59 (EEST +03:00).

After registration, you will receive a confirmation e-mail including a receipt of payment. Please, save these documents.

Notice: Conference office is closed from 8 July until 30 July 2023.

More information: CARPA8

We very much look forward to seeing you at CARPA8!

On behalf of the Conference Committee

Riitta Pasanen-Willberg
Conference Manager

Conference Committee

Leena Rouhiainen (Chair)
Otso Huopaniemi (Chair)
Katalin Trencsényi
Jess Applebaum





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