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IDENSITAT + La Capella Art Centre / Care Ecologies

NOSYMMETRIES. Open call for art residency research

Open call for three art residency research projects in Barcelona, deadline 29 November 2023.

NOSYMMETRIES is a research project which will open up a variety of artistic processes linked to issues which are pertinent to three spheres in which social inequality takes a number of forms. The open call will seek out three projects to collaborate with a guest working group previously invited on account of its career-path and its socio-political involvement in grassroots projects and issues which tackle inequality.

The working methodology consists of a collaborative process during a month in Barcelona between an artist or collective, and one of the working groups invited to take part in the project. Each working group has predefined a specific research theme: Impulsem - Inequality and Employability-; Xeito Fole and Andrea Corrales – A dance and a prison cell; Sex work and dissidences- ; Florencia Brizuela and Ainhoa ??Nadia Douhaibi - The structures of racism: capitalism, patriarchy, and colonialism. The artist or collective wishing to participate in this process will be selected through this open call, after submitting a proposal which must follow one of the predefined research fields.

NOSYMMETRIES will explore the concepts of critical imagination and social creativity from a variety of perspectives on social inequality. We understand the connection between critical imagination and social creativity as a collective process for gathering proposals which look beyond the visions of a permanent future state of collapse. In this case, the above concepts refer to activities resulting from a combination of responsibility, and individual and collective care as a way of contributing to a new collective imagination.

In order to achieve this objective, we offer three artistic residencies of one month, with each residency working in Barcelona with one of the invited groups. During this month, participants will interact, learn, and share their experiences and knowledge, and will also outline a joint outcome. This outcome may be realised after the conclusion of the month’s residency, and will be presented collectively, open to the general public.

Artists must submit a proposal for research and production of an artistic project in dialogue with one of the participating working groups. The working groups must contextualise the research, offering a sociopolitical response that integrates, as far as is possible, the dialogue which lends form to the temporary residency. Idensitat will be the promoting agent and mediator in the different phases of the process, with the aim of creating an intersection between critical imagination and social creativity; a task which will be undertaken in collaboration with La Capella Art Centre.

The participating artists must share methodology and sensitivity with one of the working groups in relation to themes such as sexual dissent, migration and borders, and education towards employability, based upon the concepts and conditions stated below.NOSYMMETRIES refers to the need to create asymmetrical, dissident, alternative spaces in order to aspire to a symmetry that counteracts the increase in social inequality.

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