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LUCA School of Arts

Professors in Audiovisual Arts (4 x 100%)

Professors in Audiovisual Arts (4 x 100%)

The Audiovisual Arts program is offered at two campuses, Genk and Brussels. LUCA Audiovisual Arts is part of FilmEU ( in which four European higher education institutions collaborate around the common objective of jointly promoting high-level education, innovation and research activities in the multidisciplinary field of Film and Media Arts. This new partnership will also create international possibilities for research as well as education in Film and Media Arts. The program is also one of three international partners that develop and organize the international, English-language joint Master's in Documentary Filmmaking DocNomads. The research units Interactions (Genk) and Intermedia (Brussels) coordinate the research and advocate critical awareness on artistic practice and research. The Audiovisual industry and art education are urgently in need of new, future-proof ways of working, reflecting and creating to inspire, guide and support the further development of research in television and film (documentary, experimental, …) and their industry. Digital technology, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, advancements in (interactive and digital) materials, as well as the renewed foregrounding of ethical and societal aspects of making and storytelling have a strong and growing impact. Responsible Design, Critical Making, Art-Science collaborations, and Transdisciplinary approaches will help to conceptualize, develop and research alternatives to the yet dominant systems in Television/Film or broader, the audiovisual landscape; to shape and disseminate the new narratives that are called for; to experiment with alternative (hybrid) formats and materials; etc. with the aim to explore innovative paths in creating and making, to educate the ‘makers of the future’ who will further develop the audiovisual domain. Equally, Film/Television have always been great media to inspire or serve as a tool for societal and cultural change. They can also make audiences experience different kinds of emotions, expose them to new perspectives, and most importantly they can serve as a medium for makers, creators, producers and communicators to bring more awareness to certain issues or causes, helping to change the hearts and minds of people regarding urgent topics. Discussions around the impact of societal and cultural change have become increasingly important and urgent. Communities themselves who have been directly experiencing the effects of societal and cultural change in their daily lives are also using social media, television, and film as tools to report issues faced by them. In this way, these creations act as activism and social change platforms, raising awareness of topics that often have no space in the mainstream media. We are seeking a colleague with a passion for teaching, research and dissemination of the art and science of audiovisual art. The appointees will join the Department of Audiovisual Arts, which delivers teaching and research that stretches across the audiovisual medium - from film and television, to documentary, experimental film, augmented reality and beyond. Among the responsibilities of this position are developing, implementing, and coordinating practice-based artistic research, and educational tasks. S/he/they operates in a changing, ever-evolving audiovisual landscape, wherein the arts education must be infused with innovative visions. Sustainability, technology, and diversity are the basis for an education that trains for game changers. In the virtual and online age, the television/film set is for and of everyone. This demands a novel position of an educational program and research in the audiovisual arts. A plethora of stakeholders (artists, professional film-makers, researchers) will benefit from education and the research outcomes and process which will contribute to the further development of expertise and research in audiovisual arts. At undergraduate level, the Assistant Professor will be expected to contribute to the teaching and examining duties of the curriculum. S/he/they will also have the opportunity to participate in teaching and examining at postgraduate level (Master, PhD, Post-doctoral) in their field of expertise. The role includes a contribution to the administration of the Department’s activities and of those of the Faculty more broadly. More information on the research units:… and….

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The research being carried out (50% of the job) supports the much-needed transitions in the current Audiovisual sector. We will support the successful candidates to develop a research program that complements and reinforces existing Departmental research strengths. The research focus for the position is open, although we have a preference for candidates who have worked in one or more of the following areas: 

  • Television/Film & Digital and the Technological Landscape
  • Television/Film & Social and the Cultural Change
  • Film
  • Documentary Film
  • Experimental Film
  • Art & Technology (AR, VR, XR, …) in Audiovisual arts
  • Narrativity (linear, non-linear, …) in Audiovisual arts

The successful candidate will have shown in their work the global relevance of their chosen field of research.  

As an assistant professor you lead the research within a specific research cluster:

  • You build and supervise a team of doctoral students and post-doc researchers and you coordinate the cluster’s joint activities.
  • You seek actively project funding.
  • You publish in relevant academic-artistic channels.
  • You create, display and exhibit material relevant to your focus in research and teaching.
  • You create an internationally renowned network of peers in research, education and audiovisual arts.

The educational assignment comprises 50% of the workload:

  • Designing educational activities, tutoring or educational concepts to provide education tailored to the student audience within the domain of Audiovisual Art.
  • Developing educational activities in accordance with the vision of LUCA on active and research based education and you use the professionalization opportunities on education within LUCA.
  • Mentoring students in the conception of both the artistic and the reflective aspects of final tests and interim research assignments;
  • Being a course unit holder and coordinator of a group of course units;
  • Managing assistants within a course unit or cluster of course units;
  • Incorporating teaching assignments within the domain of Audiovisual Arts, with a clear engagement for the quality of the education unit as a whole.
  • You are prepared to provide scientific, social and internal services.
  • You have a solid background in artistic research into Audiovisual Art innovation and/or making.
  • You hold a PhD in a relevant field.
  • You have practice-based research experience supported by a proven academic and professional track record. 
  • You have personally and successfully developed practice-based research projects. 
  • You have a relevant (inter-)national network including knowledge institutions and Audiovisual Arts. 
  • You are a team player and an experienced leader, capable of supporting a diverse group of lecturer/researchers.
  • You will work closely with other researchers, the coordinator, and the lecturers from Audiovisual and other educational departments. You actively participate in linking education and research and curriculum development, daily operational activities and develops and disseminates state-of-the-art knowledge, and helps students to gain research skills. 
  • Depending on your profile and your field of research,you will be assigned to campus Brussels or Genk
  • You are able to communicate fluently in Dutch and English in line with the language requirements applicable to Flemish higher education. At the start of the teaching commitment, you have to master the language of instruction at ECFR level B1. The official administrative language used at LUCA is Dutch. If you do not speak (enough) Dutch when you are hired, LUCA will provide an integration programme with the goal of mastering Dutch at ECFR level B2 within 5 years of employment. 
  • You are loyal to the institution's assignment, mission, vision and policy plan.

At LUCA you will be part of an environment where respect and integrity define our basic attitude, where we see sustainability and diversity as an asset and quality is our motivation. In the coming years, we want to give LUCA an identity as an actor in society, let our education institute become part of a laboratory, complement our offer with demand-driven initiatives, and open up our multicampus reality to a network. This will put you in a stimulating environment in which we offer numerous opportunities to give your own interpretation on your main campus in Genk, Brussels or on one of the other campuses of LUCA School of Arts.

LUCA aims to create an environment in which all talents can develop to their full potential, regardless of gender, age, cultural background, nationality or disability. That is why we welcome all talented people who recognize the added value of diversity and want to help shape an inclusive organisation.

LUCA School of Arts offers 4 positions of a 100% appointment for an indefinite term. The appointment at LUCA School of Arts is at the level of assistant professor (salary scale 528) and tenure at a later stage is possible according to the existing rules and procedures. You will also acquire the status of special guest professor in the arts. With this status you will be able to supervise doctorates and apply for internal funding at the KU Leuven.

More information on the salary scales can be found on the website of the Education Department (

The estimated starting date is september 2024.


More information can be obtained from head of research Inter-Actions Niels Hendriks (, Intermedia Steven Devleminck (, head of Audiovisual Arts Genk Dirk Reynders ( and Brussels Maarten Vanvolsem (

Please apply by January 2, 2024. In case of problems with the application tool, please send a mail to We want to highlight that candidates can apply for multiple job offers.

Your application must contain a file (1 PDF) consisting of:

1. A motivation letter;

2. A resume;

3. A portfolio;

4. An attestation of diploma (or declaration of equivalence of the requested diploma, if applicable).

5. A biosketch: an open text of up to two pages in which you summarize the essence of your past career and your future plans. Following elements need to be addressed:

  • The crucial elements of your past career and their importance;
  • The headlines of your vision on developing your future activities (with emphasis on the next 5 years);
  • The added value of your activities for LUCA / KU Leuven and the faculty/department/campus.

Only complete files will be accepted.

A first selection interview will take place with candidates withheld after a preselection based on the submitted dossiers.

Before the interview, there will be an interactive workshop that lasts for maximum 30 minutes. The workshop is public, which means that staff from LUCA School of Arts can attend the workshop.

You can apply for this job no later than January 02, 2024 via the online application tool

KU Leuven seeks to foster an environment where all talents can flourish, regardless of gender, age, cultural background, nationality or impairments. If you have any questions relating to accessibility or support, please contact us at




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