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LUCA School of Arts

Professor Artistic research in visual arts (100%)

Professor Artistic research in visual arts (100%)

LUCA School of Arts is a multidisciplinary teaching and research environment where creative talent can develop and evolve artistically, performatively and technically. In four cities (Brussels, Genk, Ghent and Leuven) LUCA combines the educational expertise of five renowned institutions (Sint-Lukas, Narafi, C-mine, Sint-Lucas and Lemmens). LUCA's artistic research is embedded in KU Leuven's associated Faculty of Arts and covers the entire spectrum from demand-driven to autonomous artistic research. With more than 800 staff members and 4,000 students, LUCA is a creative hub for more than 4,800 artists, theater and film makers, designers, musicians, photographers, teachers, researchers.... The Visual Arts program at Campus Saint-Lucas Ghent is a vibrant crossroads for the development of art and design at the heart of contemporary society. The Master of Visual Arts program has three majors (Fine Arts, Graphic Design and Textile Design) that are nurtured by seven studios: Painting; Graphics and Drawing; Sculpture, Glass and Ceramics; Mixed Media; Illustration; Textile Design and Graphic Design. They are supported by a wide range of highly developed workshops. Researchers at campus Ghent come together in research unit Image, which is organized around three focal points: Studio practices and processes in art and design; Image, word and reflective discourse; and Image and Society. The research dynamic is informed by six research clusters, led by senior researchers: Matter & Image; Art, Space & Sound; Art, Philosophy & Technology; Art, Imagination and Language; Fluid Futures and Art, Pedagogy & Society. We are looking for a Professor Visual Arts & Research with a profound expertise in artistic research and a broad theoretical background in or on the arts to strengthen and coordinate the training trajectory on Visual Arts & Artistic Research in our curriculum. As this trajectory is fed by the focal points in our research policy, we are looking for a colleague with a broad and multi-purpose perspective who can drive and promote artistic research from various disciplines and angles, especially in the field of the focal points 'Image, Word and Discourse' and 'Image and Society'. She or he may join an existing research cluster or develop a new one. In terms of teaching, we are looking for a colleague who can smoothly link art theory or criticism with artistic practice, based on strong image-analytical ability, broad experience with artistic writing and speaking and/or critical positioning regarding the current art and design field. Strong organizational ability is a must. Experience with various art practices and an active role in the art world are great assets.
Your research comprises 50% of your assignment.
  • Your research starts focuses on developing research in the visual arts, be it from an art-theoretical perspective. The interaction between theory and practice, artistic action and reflection, art-historical or cultural-critical analysis and current positions in the arts field are at the core of your research DNA. Within this, you have your own focus that you want to develop further in the future in connection with one or more of the research unit's focal points. During your application, you will explain the plans you have for this and argue how they strengthen and enrich the unit. In doing so, you can draw closer to existing research clusters or propose a new one with a specific focus.
  • You supervise a team of PhD students and post-doctoral researchers with whom you further develop the research cluster, in good collegial consultation with fellow supervisors. 
  • You co-ordinate an existing or your own research cluster, based on a stimulating and dynamic attitude. In doing so, you look for cooperation opportunities with colleagues in other research clusters and art studios on campus. As such, you contribute to the development and profiling of the research program of the Image unit on the Ghent campus and of LUCA School of Arts in general. From your leadership role in a cluster, you also assume representative and advisory tasks in structures of LUCA School of Arts.
  • You take initiatives and you contribute to initiatives that support or profile the research of the unit and you promote the interaction between research and education on campus.
  • You actively seek external research funding and you set-up collaborations in this regard.
  • You publish and. you share your research process and results on highly qualitative platforms of an artistic and academic nature. 
  • You create an interaction between developments in your research and your teaching duties.
  • You build a leading (international) network of peers in research, education and the arts field that you generously share with colleagues in LUCA School of Arts.
Your teaching comprises 50% of your assignment - areduction to at least 30% in function of your artistic career development isnegotiable.
  • You coordinate the training trajectory on Visual Arts & Artistic Research and are responsible for its further development and practical organization. This training trajectory introduces arts students step-by-step to the process and logic of artistic research and experimentation as the engine of their practice, in various disciplines. You are therefore at home in artistic research, its discourse, and critical debates. You do so with an open attitude that stimulates creativity, with a thorough art-theoretical basis and a keen eye for visual analysis. You have the capacity to strengthen interactions between art theory and art practice within the training trajectory, in consultation with a wide variety of colleagues and researchers.
  • You will provide high-quality teaching within the trajectory Visual Arts & Artistic Research.
  • You supervise master's theses in the visual arts and are prepared to collaborate on other components of the master's program in which your expertise is employable. 
  • You are committed to the campus as a stimulating artistic learning environment and are involved in (extra-curricular) activities that are set up with this goal (lectures, exhibitions, thesis events, etc.).
  • Your teaching is research-based and research-oriented in line with LUCA School of Arts' vision of high-quality academic teaching. You actively seek ways to update and renew your teaching from your research. To this end, you develop teaching activities and pedagogical methods that are tailored to the student audience and you provide study support from a commitment to the quality of the academic program as a whole. 
Social,academic and internal service are part of the assignment of each professor.
  • You hold a doctorate in the Arts or relevant to the Arts.
  • You have a strong theoretical basis and solid experience in artistic research, as evidenced by your academic research file and/or your portfolio as an actor in the arts field. You have developed expertise in the visual analysis of artistic images, the dialogue between word and image in artistic practices cum reflection and/or contemporary and new artistic positionings.
  • You are strongly inclined to interactions between arts practices and art-theoretical reflection, and you are triggered by inventing, implementing and sharing new forms for this interaction.
  • You enjoy stimulating developments in others, both in a pedagogical context and research-wise, and you have demonstrable qualities for academic teaching.
  • You enjoy working independently and within a team and have a talent for topical leadership. 
  • You have strong organizational skills, actively seek out collaborations and you have a growing (international) network of peers relevant to the visual arts and academic research in the arts.
  • You are communicative and can express yourself fluently in Dutch and English in accordance with the language requirements in force in Flemish higher education. At the start of the teaching assignment, the teacher-researcher must have mastered the teaching language at ECFR level B1. The administrative language in LUCA is Dutch. If you have no or insufficient knowledge of Dutch when you are hired, LUCA provides a compulsory integration path with the aim of mastering Dutch at ECFR level B2 within 5 years of appointment.
  • You are loyal to the mission, mission, vision and policy of LUCA School of Arts.
At LUCA School of Arts you will join an environment where respect and integrity define the basic attitude. We see sustainability and diversity as an asset, with quality as the driving force. In the coming years we want to give LUCA an identity as an actor in society, let our training institute become part of a laboratory, complement our offer with demand-driven initiatives, and open our multicampus reality to a network. You will thus find yourself in a stimulating environment in which we offer numerous opportunities to develop and fulfill your talents on your main campus in Ghent or on LUCA School of Arts' other campuses for visual arts.
LUCA School of Arts wants to create an environment where all talents can develop to their maximum potential, regardless of gender, age, cultural origin, nationality or disability. We therefore welcome all talented people who recognize the added value of diversity and want to help shape an inclusive organization.
LUCA School of Arts offers a 100% appointment for an indefinite term. The appointment at LUCA School of Arts is at lecturer level (salary scale 528) and appointment at a later stage is possible according to the existing rules and procedures. You will also acquire the status of
special guest lecturer in the arts. With this status you will be able to supervise doctorates and apply for internal funding at the KU Leuven as a supervisor. More information on salary scales can be found on the website of the Education Department ( The estimated starting date is 16/9/2024 or soon after.


More information can be obtained from Head of Research Unit Image Prof. dr. Tom Van Imschoot ( and from Head of Training at Sint-Lucas Visual Arts Ghent Prof. dr. Bert Vandenbussche (

Applications are open until 02/01/2024. Anyone experiencing problems with the online tool, please send an email to


The application includes a file consisting of:


1. a motivation letter

2. a curriculum vitae

3. a portfolio

4. a certificate of diploma (if necessary, a declaration of equivalence)

5. a biosketch: an open text of maximum two pages in which you give a synthesis of your past career and your future plans, with the following elements:

- a first part with crucial elements of your past career, highlighting importance and impact.

- a second part outlining your future activities (focusing on the first 5 years).

- a third part on your added value and further opportunities for cooperation with respect to the existing entities within the research unit Image and LUCA School of Arts or KU Leuven.

Only complete application files will be accepted.


A first interview will take place with candidates who are retained after a pre-selection based on the application file. The interview is preceded by an interactive workshop of maximum 30 minutes, which is open to staff members of LUCA School of Arts. The workshop allows candidates to explain the core of their artistic and academic expertise, motivation and vision for the future in a format of their choice (e.g. lecture-performance). Candidates are asked to presuppose an audience of masters in preparing and presenting the interactive workshop.

You can apply for this job no later than January 02, 2024 via the online application tool
KU Leuven seeks to foster an environment where all talents can flourish, regardless of gender, age, cultural background, nationality or impairments. If you have any questions relating to accessibility or support, please contact us at




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