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Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts – School of Music

PhD Artistic Research in Lucerne - Call for Applications 2024

In 2022 the Lucerne School of Music (Switzerland) introduced a collaborative program with the University of Music Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany) that offers a new educational pathway following a Master of Arts in Music or Music Education: the PhD in Artistic Research.

The PhD in Artistic Research is a postgraduate program that closely combines music practise and music research. The education culminates in the conferral of an internationally recognised doctoral degree by the University of Music Freiburg. The focal point resides in cultivating scholarly acumen, nurturing research proficiency, and fostering musical-artistic excellence, with the option of specialisation in the domains of performance (classical or jazz), conducting, or composition.

The curriculum includes comprehensive instruction in music practise and research methodologies, complemented by mentoring from both artistic and academic supervisors. Collaborative colloquia with other institutions offer avenues for interaction within a global community of PhD scholars specializing on Artistic Research.

Please note that we offer pre-doctoral mentoring for young musician-researchers interested in pursuing a PhD in Artistic Research. Feel free to contact our PhD Artistic Research Coordinator with any further questions.

Application deadline: February 28, 2024
Start of studies: Monday, September 16, 2024
PhD Artistic Research

For further information and concerning the pre-doctoral mentoring program: please contact Daniella Gerszt, PhD Artistic Research Coordinator




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