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Stelo Arts and Culture Foundation

RECLAIMING ARTISTIC RESEARCH: Expanded Second Edition (2024)

Reclaiming Artistic Research – Expanded Second Edition (2024) explores artistic research in dialogue with 24 artists worldwide and embraces artists’ dynamic engagement with other fields. Reclaiming the term “artistic research” from its academic associations, the book foregrounds the material, spatial, embodied, organizational, choreographic, and technological ways of knowing and unknowing specific to contemporary artistic inquiry. Foregrounding art’s engagement with multiple fields, Reclaiming Artistic Research manifests how artists produce new paradigms and questions, rather than supplementing existing (academic) knowledge. Through in-depth dialogues, the book seeks to articulate the nature of artistic thinking in practice, tracing how ideas and forms co-emerge through material, conceptual and embodied ways of working.

The second expanded edition of this acclaimed book features a new essay by Lucy Cotter entitled “Artistic Research in a World on Fire” that reflects on the changing stakes of artistic research in the wake of the global pandemic, a widespread reckoning with social justice and equity, the growing role of artificial intelligence, and the urgent reality of climate change. Building on the book’s original twenty dialogues with global artists, the second edition features new dialogues with artists Stephanie Dinkins, Cannupa Hanska Luger, Yo-Yo Lin, and Richard Mosse, whose practices attend to questions of human and nonhuman survival, self-care, and collective care, new technologies, and the unlearning of ableist, gendered, sexist, and racist paradigms.

Dialogues with: Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Katayoun Arian, Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, Stephanie Dinkins, Sher Doruff, Em'kal Eyongakpa, Ryan Gander, Mario García Torres, Liam Gillick, Natasha Ginwala, Cannupa Hanska Luger, Sky Hopinka, Manuela Infante, Euridice Zaituna Kala, Grada Kilomba, Yo-Yo Lin, Sarat Maharaj, Emma Moore, Richard Mosse, Rabih Mroué, Christian Nyampeta, Yuri Pattison, Falke Pisano, Sarah Rifky, Samson Young, Katarina Zdjelar. Designed by Tomáš Celizna (with Martina Vanini).

Published by Hatje Cantz Verlag, Berlin with the support of Stelo Arts and Culture Foundation, Portland, Oregon, in conjunction with a project residency. Reclaiming Artistic Research will go on sale in Europe in February and be available globally from March-2024 as a paperback, e-book, and e-pdf.

ISBN: 978-3-7757-5640-2

For more information, press review copies, or enquiries about related lectures and workshops, please click here.  

Lucy Cotter is a writer, curator and artist, whose practice engages with art as a form of knowledge and a site for cultural transformation. Her writing is widely published in books, catalogues, and journals, including Flash Art, Hyperallergic, Frieze, Mousse, Third Text, and Artforum. She was curator of the Dutch Pavilion of the 57th Venice Biennale 2017, with recent projects at The Kitchen, New York, Oregon Center for Contemporary Art, and the Center for Contemporary Art and Culture, Portland. She was the inaugural director of the Master Artistic Research program at the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague. Irish-born, she currently holds a project residency at Stelo Arts 2023-24. 

Stelo Arts and Culture Foundation is a non-profit organization with an exhibition space and residency facilities in downtown Portland, Oregon, and a rural residency location in Colton, Oregon. Stelo embraces the power of art to invite conversation and build community and is dedicated to responsive models of support via partnerships, collaboration, and exchange.




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