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Nantes University

Call for participation SAR SIG «  Arts, Economics & Management Crossings »

Call for participation SAR SIG «  Arts, Economics & Management Crossings »

doing art and research outside the system – a focus on decarbonation

Today's Western world is enmeshing artists and researchers in a system of economic and managerial injunctions that are deeply entrenched. These injunctions produce a focus on notions such as performance, effectiveness, efficiency, and the injunction to be original. In the past, several artistic initiatives have sought to criticize and challenge this normative framework by cultivating alternative imaginary worlds, such as Fluxus, Luis Camnitzer and Lee Lozano, to name but a few.

Ivan Illich called for a counter-research whose ambition would be to discuss collectively and politically the taken-for-granted principles and aims within official (academic) research. What does this mean for research making and art making ? How does this relate to the challenges of decarbonization?

Asking these questions implies considering three axes :

1- processes mobilized by artists (processes of exchange and circulation of works, processes of mobilisation - or not - of materials, processes of auctoriality)

2 - possible areas in which artistic activity can be deployed: care, protection, learning, travelling, dealing with the dead, etc.

3- characteristics of the tools used: are they convivial tools? Ivan Illich considers a tool to be convivial if it is accessible, if you can use it or not use it, if there is immediacy in its use, if it respects the autonomy of the human using it.

The workshop is free and in-presence in Nantes, France and essentially in french-language, we will welcome Elena Biserna, Antoine Moreau and Another Lazy Artist.

How can you contribute to the SIG ? By sharing :

- testimonies

- methods

- reflections

- artistic research pieces or snapshots

Note: for any contribution please indicate how you license your work as a collective booklet is in project

Where ?

you can upload your contribution on the dedicated padlet (a RC space is on the move) :

You can attend the workshop in-presence and you will be welcomed but should be warned that most of the day will use French-language – we can issue a letter of attendance if needed for funding purpose. Registration by contacting and (limited number of places)

SIG moderators :Claire Gauzente, Régis Dumoulin, Benoît Pascaud




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