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i2ADS – Research Institute in Art, Design and Society / University of Porto

Drawing Across X Along X Between University Borders Conference


International Conference on Drawing Across Disciplines


Deadline for registration: 30 September 2024

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Drawing Across X Along X Between University Borders Conference will take place from 16 to 18 October 2024 at the University of Porto, Portugal.


i2ADS and the DRAWinU group invite you to a time of drawing and collaborative reflection at a three-day in-person conference in Porto, Portugal, to rethink drawing-based strategies for challenging university borders.


The Programme includes over 45 presentations of drawing-research projects across disciplines, including round tables, workshops and practice-sharing sessions around the following topics:


DRAWING ACROSS: #1 Creative Reasoning; #2 Vulnerable Methodologies in Art and Science; #3 Taking Place – Territories and Belonging.

DRAWING ALONG: #4 Drawing Arguments; #5 Drawing Things Together.

DRAWING BETWEEN: #6 Hybrid Knowing Spaces Between Art and Science.


The keynotes will be by Gemma Anderson-Tempini, Shaaron Ainsworth & Nikolaus Gansterer.

You can find the full Conference programme here.


The Drawing Across X Along X Between University Borders Conference focuses on drawing-based collaborations between art, science and society to tackle artistic, educational and societal challenges. We invite artists, scientists, educators, students, university policymakers and persons interested in inter-transdisciplinary practices across academia, research, and society to join the discussion in three possible directions:



In what ways are drawing practitioners challenging the disciplinary strictures that often constrain thinking and acting across divergent areas in the university?



How can drawing activities be an ally of STEM education in the university, and how can STEM practices be an ally of drawing education?



How can drawing-based practices and STEM disciplines collaborate to address the urgency of societal challenges?


In a follow-up seminar to the Conference (Day X, 19 October morning), the DRAWinU group will share its experience on exploratory and speculative use of drawing across STEM areas in the University of Porto, under the research project Drawing Across University Borders. We welcome all participants and attendants to join us in this seminar at the FBAUP – Faculty of Fine Arts, UP.Porto. The entrance is free and open to all.

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