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Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf

Call for Application: Klang und Realität master’s program 2024


The Klang und Realität master’s program brings together performative, compositional, and algorithmic forms of contemporary art.
We are open to students from all disciplinary backgrounds who are interested in the diversity of subject areas, media forms, and modes of thought; working in a music conservatory facilitates an exchange between very different domains. Projects are at the center of this process.

Artists and scholars from a wide range of disciplines support the students: Madeleine Bernstorff, Waltraud Blischke, Johanna Dombois, Nick Langlitz, Marc Matter, Hans Peter Reutter, Enrique Sánchez Lansch, Julian Rohrhuber, Marcus Schmickler, Oliver Schneller, Phillip Schulze, Heike Sperling, Sarah Szczesny, Tzuchien Tho, and Viktoria Wehrmeister. Our two concentrations, Epistemic Media or Transmedia Forms, open up innovative avenues of inquiry.

Concentration: Epistemic Media

In Epistemic Media, we conduct independent research and develop new methods in the humanities, sciences, and arts. Projects may focus on:

- experimental artistic approaches, novel methodologies or collectives
- work between disciplines and across boundaries
- art as epistemic endeavor

Epistemic media provide insight and discovery. This may be composition, film, text, installation, performance – in fact projects may generate entirely new practices, formats, or collectives. We are conducting field research, investigating sound and image in documentary film, and use mathematical methods for artistic thinking. We explore algorithmic music and consciousness techniques, develop a semiotics of hearing, and refine artistic research. This work has been continuously expanding the scientific, social and artistic commons.

Concentration: Transmedia Forms

Conceived as an extension of contemporary compositional environments, in Transmedia Forms, we aim to actively translate and integrate musical, artistic, and media processes. Projects and working areas are very diverse and offer multiple possibilities for connection, networking, and collaboration. Areas of application and teaching include:

- performative elements of audio and visual composition (e.g. video, VR/AR, gaming, installation, expanded cinema, public art, turntableism)
- composition, improvisation, sound art and experimentation in various (electronic/electroacoustic) performance practices
- narration, storytelling, and dramaturgy (e.g. text, fanzine, radio, podcast, sound design, performance)

Transmediality explores the opportunity to enter into a conversation about society, space, and time through interaction and immersion. It means sounding out the established limitations and questioning the concatenations of forms of knowledge in music, media and art. And it transgresses norms to open up new avenues of process-based exchange.

Application Deadline and Program Start

Candidates can apply for the Klang und Realität master’s program once a year; applications must be received by October 31. Courses start in the summer semester, at the beginning of April.

Application Deadline  — 31 Oct 2024

General questions about the program should be directed to the Student Assistants.

Programme details:




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