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Society for Artistic Research & i2ADS – University of Porto

16th International Conference on Artistic Research

Kind reminder: did you submit yet?

We see that some have started an application, but did not submit their proposal yet. To submit, open the application from your profile page, and click edit, you can submit through the "submit" tab (after completing all required fields).
The call will only allow submissions until October 30th 12:00 CEST precisely, so don't wait too long. Once you submitted, the application will show the status "in review" on your profile.

For more about the conference, submission guidelines and to submit a proposal, see this page.


  1. Log in to the RC with your full account.
  2. Go to
  3. Click the [Create Application] button and select "SAR Conference 2025, Porto: Call for Conference Contributions".
    If you do not see the [Create application] button on your profile, your account is probably still a limited account, and you need to upgrade it. If you have not requested an upgrade yet, please understand that we may not be able to upgrade your account this close to the deadline in time as this is a manual process.



If you are new to creating an RC exposition, it may be helpful to start with the quick start guide. For further details, you can also watch the extended webinar recording available here.

The Committee will only accept submissions presented on-site at the Conference.


For further questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with the conference organisers:



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