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Research Focus Cultural Analysis in the Arts. Zurich University of the Arts

INSERT #6 Troubled Matter—Thinking with Sedimented Histories

Edited by Ulrike Gerhardt and Julia Wolf

The sixth INSERT issue Troubled Matter—Thinking with Sedimented Histories examines the multi-layered connections between materiality, crises and (artistic) historiographies by focusing on material traces as carriers of cultural, social, and political meaning. With troubled matter as a figure of thought, a concept is developed that makes it possible to think with the sedimented histories that give shape to materiality. The contributions shed light on how material agency can be made perceptible via specific techniques, artistically researched, and conceptualized in terms of cultural studies. The issue invites a new understanding of materiality in the field of tension between geological trauma and the ‘pre-nominal.’ With contributions by Mareike Bernien/Alex Gerbaulet, Hera Büyüktaşcıyan, Sladja Blažan, Larisa Crunțeanu/Sonja Hornung, Kerstin Schroedinger, Heather Davis, Oxana Timofeeva and Ingrid Halland.

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