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Society for Artistic Research

SAR Newsletter January 2025


Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you all! It does not take much prophecy to predict that the year 2025 will be full of challenges, both in the local contexts in which we work and in the face of large-scale societal changes. 

It would be naive to assume that the field of artistic research is exempt from these challenges. On the contrary, the need for solidarity and mutual support between artistic research institutions and individual artistic researchers is more evident and urgent than ever.   

Therefore, the entire Society for Artistic Research is committed to meeting every challenge we may face by creating and strengthening a community of artistic research, by building and intensifying relationships among its individual and institutional members, and by broadening and deepening the impact and value of artistic research in the current processes of transition that are likely to have unprecedented outcomes and may force us to abandon traditional certainties and habits.

The new SAR Board has laid the groundwork for a strategy that builds on the work of the past few years, in which we have reviewed and critically reflected on the concrete needs to professionalise our structures, refocus our internal and external communications, and further develop and consolidate the Research Catalogue as a collaboratively owned and maintained open source project, as well as the Journal for Artistic Research as the leading peer-reviewed publication in the field.

Recently we have witnessed a rapidly growing interest in artistic research from stakeholders and policy makers beyond the immediate target audience of art schools, conservatories and universities of the arts. We do not, of course, see this as a threat, but rather as a unique opportunity to broaden the scope of our activities, to continue to grow and to support the diversity and multiplicity of methods and approaches that characterise the field of arts research.

Soon we will launch the new SAR website, initiate a new level of networking within the new COST Action Artistic Intelligence and, most importantly, meet in person at the 16th International SAR Conference in Porto on 7-9 May 2025.


Stay tuned for more!


Florian Schneider
President, Society for Artistic Research (SAR)




16th SAR Conference on Artistic Research 2025 - Update


We are excited to share that the Conference Committee has now evaluated the +300 proposals we received for the 16th International Conference on Artistic Research, hosted by i2ADS, University of Porto in collaboration with the Society of Artistic Research (SAR).

Over the last 2 years, submissions for the conference have doubled and we are thrilled by the growing interest in artistic research. 

We will soon be in touch with everyone who has submitted with more information on the status of their proposal.

To learn more about the upcoming conference taking place on 7th, 8th and 9th of May, 2025:




Reminder: Proposals for hosting the SAR International Artistic Research Forum 2026 - Deadline: 10.02.2025


Following the successful pilot of SAR’s new biennial SAR International Forum on Artistic Research which took place at Fontys Academy of the Arts in 2024, we invite SAR member institutions to make a proposal to host the SAR International Artistic Research Forum 2026


“Fontys Academy of the Arts had the pleasure of hosting the SAR Forum in Tilburg in April 2024. By doing so, we were able to profile our academy as an active artistic research institute within an international community. Demonstrating the importance of being part of a vivid and diverse network was an important aspect when deciding to host the event. Having been able to welcome an international community of artist researchers and experts was a great privilege and sparked new lines of content-related engagement, in times when making real-life connections is needed more than ever.” - Fontys Academy of the Arts.


We aim for this event to take place between the beginning of April and mid-May 2026, preferably from a Wednesday to Friday.


For more information about the call and the main frame of the forum, please see this page.




The Journal for Artistic Research (JAR) Issue 34 is out



JAR34 was launched at the end of 2024 and is online at: 


The Journal for Artistic Research (JAR) is a ground-breaking global online journal published by SAR, that’s open to everyone and peer-reviewed, dedicated to sharing artistic research from all fields. It encourages the growing community of artistic researchers to embrace the kind of publication practices that are standard in the sciences and humanities. With over 55,000 annual visits, JAR‘s online issues act as a dynamic hub where various practices and approaches come together in a growing field that is taking new forms and finding new directions worldwide.

The five expositions in this issue cover keywords as diverse as biodiversity, composition, contemporary circus, creativity constraints, embodiment, installation, multispecies ethnography, object oriented ontology, phenomenology, rewilding and songwriting.


Living Lines of the Barely Noticeable by Linde Ex [en] []


Agential Guts — Care and Creativity within the Messy Multi-species Assemblage by Riina Maaria Hentriika Hannula [en] []


Musical topics, (self-)narrativity and adaptation in my recent composition Pearl by Matthew Kaner [en] []


The Creative Potential of Evolving Constraints in Peer-to-Peer Reciprocal Coaching: A Three-way Investigation by Marie Hallager Andersen, Martin Høybye, and Alan O’Leary [en] []


The Non-Human Animal Artist: Toward the Presentation of an Artistic Species-Companionship in Circus by Franziska Trapp, Natan Alberca and Sabrina Sow [en] []




JAR Issue 35 Submission Deadline

The next submission deadline is on January 31, 2025.

See for more information.

JAR accepts submissions in Spanish, Portuguese, French, German and English. The journal welcomes submissions from all artistic and creative fields, regardless of academic or institutional affiliation.


Use: to contact JAR.




JAR Submission Webinar - 07.03.2025

Together with JAR we will host a webinar on 07.03.2025 focusing on how you submit an exposition to the journal. More information and registration link will be shared soon.







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