Ilja Venema

Latest update 10.1.2022


We have collected our data and are analyzing it now!


We spent 3 days in total conducting our experiments and collecting data at two different schools. Initially the plan was to go to more schools, but due to Covid-complications this was unfortunately not possible. We are very happy that we could still collect as much data as we did and right now, we are processing all collected data from our three experiments so that we can analyze them after.


My research about the perceived emotional intensity of children will be relatively simple to process: we will only look at multiple-choice answers to one question (“How strongly do you feel emotion x?”), which will hopefully allow us to also look in more detail. I hope to not only see if there is a significant effect of storytelling, but I am also curious to see if the story helps to immediately engage more with the music (looking at measurements done at the beginning of pieces), if the story generates overall higher emotions and if the story helps to stay longer emotionally involved with the piece (which we can see by looking at the end of pieces).