Camilla Genee

After following the young talent class program at ArtEZ Zwolle, Camilla Genee continued her music education in the Hague at the Royal Conservatoire. In this four year Bachelor program she studied Classical Violin. In addition to that she followed three minor programs: the minors conducting, chamber music and education. She obtained her Bachelor degree in 2020. 

Currently (January 2021), she is a Violin Master student at the Royal Conservatoire and a Bachelor Law student at the Erasmus University. 

Camilla was a member of Orchestra Morgenstond for several years. Being a musician in this orchestra, she learned to combine music performances with theatre, storytelling and education.


In 2014 Camilla started her career as a violin teacher. In addition to teaching her private students she is a violin and music theory teacher at two primary schools in the Hague for children aged 7 till 11. One of the schools is a school for children with severe learning difficulties.