The Sketches



Each textual sketch is intended to generate multiple vectors for thinking drawing in multi-dimensional terms and to elicit and make felt the temporality of drawing by exposing its potential to co-compose with the rhythms of the world ecologically, to connect to and carry the affective tonalities of actual and virtual events as they resonate across multiple planes of experience. Emerging loosely with Process Philosophy, they seek to extend drawing’s coming-into-relation with diverse universes and from different perspectives so as to open up and expand it’s capacity to activate difference.


The Sketches are sustained by movement; the world becoming vibratile, words verbatile, objects objectile. Drawing operates as/in the interval, between and transversally across multiple layers of intensity. The interval is here mobilized in a series of poietic, textu(r)al event-particles that improvise rhythmically and resonate freely between virtual occurrences, theoretical concepts, and the practice of drawing.


They were written in the spirit of sketching, in an attempt to enact the dynamics of the sketch: a (idiosyncratic) process that strives on incompleteness (openness) and ambiguity and that operates in the interval as a movement, contraction/dilation, a resonance, a diagramming of forces or a generic, formative act …towards an opening up of drawing’s potential. The sketches are intended to be read singularly (if at all) in the interstices of theory and practice, as feeling-movement-thought provoking punctures and punctuations throughout the tentative research-creation process. Each sketch is intended to germinate or resonate with tentative explorations that in turn serve to generate pedagogical translations to be experimented in the context of architecture education.





X1   What is drawing?

Sketch (esquisse, entwurf):

‘a projection toward what continues to come, […] to open oneself to a form which shows itself in the movement of its emergence’. J.-L. Nancy


                            .M-Sketch˚:   Middling

        .SC-Sketch˚:   Sounding the Continuum

                       .S-Sketch˚:   Surfacing

.AE-Sketch˚:   Architectural Elasticity       

                                            .I-Sketch˚:   Immediation

                 .T-Sketch˚:   Transversality    

                                                 .IT-Sketch:   Induction-Transduction


                .B-Sketch˚: Bodyings and Worldings