Please watch @ 1:11:56 - 1:15:55 and write into this document, WHAT DOES THIS DO WITH / WANT FROM YOU YOU?

Mycophobia (from Latin myco, "fungus") is the fear of mushrooms.

The most common cause of mycophobia is that some mushrooms can be poisonous if consumed. People who fear mushrooms would avoid eating mushrooms as well as not touching mushrooms. Eating or even touching mushrooms would result in symptoms like sweating, crying, screaming, elevated body temperatures and heart rates. Some people may get this fear from playing the popular video game, Super Mario Bros.

Food neophobia in humans has been described as the fear of eating new or unfamiliar foods.

Food neophobia is particularly common in toddlers and young children. It is often related to an individual's level of sensation-seeking, meaning a person's willingness to try new things and take risks. Not only do people with high food neophobia resist trying new food, they also rate new foods that they do try as lower than neophilics.

It is very typical for people to generally have a fear of new things and to prefer things that are familiar and common. Most people experience food neophobia to a certain extent, though some people are more neophobic than others. A measure of individual differences in food neophobia is the Food Neophobia Scale (FNS), which consists of a 10-item survey that requires self-reported responses on a seven-point scale.

In animals it has been shown that food neophobia is a fear of novelty lasting only a short duration (minutes at most), which is distinct from dietary conservatism, the prolonged refusal to add a novel food to the diet, which can last many days or even years. Dietary conservatism has never yet been demonstrated in humans, although the genetically influenced behaviour of "fussy eating" in childrer resembles the behaviour seen in animals.

Food neophobia relates to the omnivore's dilemma, a phenomenon that explains the choice that omnivores, and humans in particular, have between eating a new food and risking danger or avoiding it and potentially missing out on a valuable food source. Having at least some degree of food neophobia has been noted to be evolutionarily advantageous as it can help people to avoid eating potentially poisonous foods.

Biophobia is the avoidance of contact with animals, plants, or organic materials; strong aversion to aspects of the natural world.

Biophobia ranges from discomfort in “natural” places to active scorn for whatever is not manmade, managed, or air-conditioned. Biophobia, in short, is the culturally acquired urge to affiliate with technology, human artifacts, and solely with human interests regarding the natural world”(6).Our physiological response to these fears and anxieties are also as a result of evolution, derived from what our ancestors were vulnerable of. Common cognitive uncertainties associated with the environment include heights, enclosed spaces, darkness, being in the open without protective cover and being alone in an unfamiliar place. For most, we respond to these conditions with avoidance or dislike but for others, the implications are much worse and so their intolerance of uncertainty leads to anxiety.

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… is a multispecies place to eat taken over by fungi and other microbes

who put our omnivorousness to a test.

Strains of Pleurotus ostreatus,

Saccharomyces cerevisiae

and Rhizopus molds

are growing and decomposing the structure of the bar as well as offering us their bodies as and secretes as specialities in a catastrophic menu. 

The place is inhabited by the fear of unknown speeds, forms and consistencies, the hiding and disobedient entities of nature's endless creativity.

The lack of human bodies around the bar can orientate the guests into various proximities.


What could happen to you at this bar?