Transforming these winding curves into bodily movements,

I took this world for a walk, 

following the movement that the object offered,

to create encounters.

I discovered how time is circular in some cultures.

The wheel of time or Kalachakra.

There is not a single beginning or a single end, but things happen in a cycle.

They are porous realities, these worlds.


Where the light reveals the unseen side of them, the negative.

Revealing their skin.

Light became about time.

A transference of the material into immaterial.

Can I define conditions to find it, to travel to it, to perform it?

Looking through multiple paths to reach it and understand where it lies.

A space that dictates the movement of my travel to it.


A method of connecting this fictional world to a real one.

I created very specific worlds, islands, that are bearable paths with a beginning and an end.

The notion of kinesphere was created by Rudolf Laban to define: “the sphere around the body whose periphery can be reached by easily extended limbs without stepping away from that place which is the point of support when standing on one foot”

This spherical space is also the first area of movement exploration before going into “space”.

I am seeking a place to belong. 

That is so distant and yet so close.


Visibly speaking the kinesphere stays invisible until the moment we move within it and make it tangible by leaving our trace-forms, the spatial consequences of our movements.

Doing movement creates space too.

An encounter with an unknown object where the object changes all the time, and so does my interaction with it.

A study of relationships between

1. agency of the object and the body

2. agency of the spectator, the object and performer.

The subject of this experiment arises from the relationship between space, body movement and an object as a mediator. How does space shape our movement and how does movement in turn affect it? 


How could this object adapt to the movement of the human body, respond to it, allow it to happen? These interactions of the selected movements essentially form the body’s territorial traces.

A trace is a path. 

It is an evidence to the existence or passing of the event.


Taking further the notion of Kinesphere, (“the sphere around the body whose periphery can be reached by easily extended limbs without stepping away from that place which is the point of support when standing on one foot”), the circularity of the space is also the first area of movement exploration.


The space around the body remains invisible until the moment we move within it. The subject of this experiment stems from a reflection on the relationship between intimate, personal and social space. 


This is an observation of how the space around us can be embodied in different scenarios.