Run through

16 May 

45 mins

Dress Run


18th May

*3 videos



1st Run

2nd Run

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A general note for all of us : we need to pull the rectangle in a little bit so we are not so far away from the audience. We can set this on Tuesday :) 


6.21: Ball Kid Entrance, Sugar Throw. Leah Entrance

6.21 : You can run in your rectangle with a little more propulsion/speed/confidence - claim the space as a group.

7.13 : Throwing sugars :Sigrid you can wait until all the sugars have been throw before you reach out to collect them.  

7.57: Alice and Lisa - great - waiting together while Sigird and Oda collect sugars. 

8.08: No need to 'salute' before unpacking objects. 

9.16: Alice: can you accompany me into the space keeping your body facing the audience - less of a bouncy basketball mark on me - more like an attentive calm chaperone.


10.19: Portrait Round One

For the whole scene, Leah needs to be 1 metre closer to the audience and Ball Kids need to be 1/2 metre closer to Leah (bring the performance space in a little bit) 

17.00: All Ball Kids: cue to stop drawing and move to take off Leah's costume is the line ' I mean, you should NOT be on the floor- you’re working artists.' Please move quickly, and land on Leah as a group before you start the undressing. 

17.28: Alice throwing bread - can you crouch down so it's not as obvious you are about to throw the bread at me? lol. 

17.30: Leah to exaggerate being hit by bread more. 

17.31: Alice can you creep in and tentively collect the bread before you head back to your place on the sidelines, like a sneaky, sneaky Gollum? 


17.33: Presidency Object Game, Round One


The mic sound is fkd - I will check this Tuesday

Leah can also operate closer to the audience - see overall note. 

We talked about the build of this section yesterday, and more details - but overall, I think it's actually pretty great!!! Nice work. Below are notes that feed into what we talked about:

Sigrid: try to place items in different parts of the space - loved when you hit the lighter, you can stay in the space longer when you do this. We talked about putting the boot and the skirt on me rather than as an object in the space. Try to be effiecent and direct in your trajectory when placing objects - putting the skirt on me inefficiently was great!

Lisa and Alice: there's potential to pass more objects to Sigrid so she doesn't have to run across the space to you directly - or even better,  pass them to her WHILE she is running into the space, before she has any object at all ie. 'receiving object on the run' 

23.56: Great when Leah talks or includes Ball Kids in the frame of the text. 

25.20: the increase of your passing to eachother is great here. 

 25.17: Great when Leah throws things to Ball Kids who are on the sidelines.

25.34: we need to build up the energy gradually - so there is no gap in activitty in the space, which happens here. 

26.59: When Leah says 'Tranquility Base', Alice throws the candle. There should already be a build up of objects in the space, and the Ball Kid activity in the space should be near a CHOATIC PEAK. We keep this chaos and push it through to the space behind the audience. 

27.05: Lisa, funny that you read the book here thats great - but perhaps just not at the 'high energy' end of this section. 


30.43: Siren Song

Leah needs to switch microphone off

Overall, the notes of Siren Song can be more obnoxious, and slide and overlap more - I think we got there in the end.

Overall this section needs to be about half the length. Ball Kids can start packing up objects with renewed energy (lol) as soon as Lisa is sweeping the breakable. 

31.02: Be great if Ball Kids are in different positons rather than standing upright. I think this is cos we were confuzzzzled

31.08: GREAT moment here where we all turn our heads to watch Lisa. Let's keep that, and keep watching her as she returns with the broom. 

32.01: Let's try a quicker, efficent clean up. you can also pass objects to eachother and work more as a team here. 


33.46 Portrait Round Two

Again, we all need to be closer to the audience (just reminding myself again!). we can set our places on Tuesday. 

 33.46: All Ball Kids: Your cue to start drawing is Alice counting down '5,4,3,2,1'. Alice, your cue is when all Ball kids are at the sidelines and all objects are cleared.

36.14: All Ball Kids: on 'do you mind if I look around a little bit?' can you exaggerate your relaxed postures quite far into the rectangle space. Sigrid and Oda, can you come in front of the audience. 

40.22 ** CHANGE! *** All Ball Kids look up abruptly when Leah breaks the silence and looks at Alice and says 'But tell me about you guys..' Leah continues...' Do you want to stay in a hotel tonight, watch movies? Yeah, It would be so cool right? I mean you should not be....' etc. and Alice interupts Leah and throws bread at her and we launch into President Object Game Round 2. There is NO crowded drawing of Leah that follows her in the space, this is cut ( i.e. 40.32-41.17).


41.19 President Object Game Round 2

Full on choatic swarm energy!!! All roles suspended. Bring action closer to the audience. Priority: Objects get funneled through Leah. Great when objects are taken from Leah and replaced by others, so by the time an object is left with her to sell, it seems more random. Better to go over the top choatic and then bring it down, rather than the other way around (hello musical theatre training)

42.04: All Ball Kids: whoever gives Leah the wig, please give to her directly, rather than placing it in the space. 

42.43: Quick snap change back to choatic energy after Leah sells the object. 

44.14: Alice: great soft candle exchange. Remember to count down afterwards! Sigrid, fly by quick with the lighter just after Alice gives Leah the candle. 

END: Ball Kids and Leah gather in front of audience for Bow then go to green room. 



Ball Kid Entrance:

-I really like how sporty you all look, and how you run to enter. I'd like to set how many times you run around the performance space as a unit, your positions and your objects. It's great when you show an exactness in the placing and facing of the objects when you put them down, without a rush. I think we add a bit of time in this section for you to do this, before I enter.

-When I enter, you can calmly stand up, jog around the perimeter to your portrait spots. 


Portrait drawing:

- You all draw so differently! The drawings are hilarious and your low crouch positions are great. I like your variation, and wonder about speed, accuracy, the degree to which you are displaying what you're doing to the audience.

- It's great when you are drawing right up until the last second of the countdown

- I think a brief reaction, like a pause in drawing, when I first speak ('Recently...') would be extremley satisfying 

-Flag set-up: