In this part of the research I have analysed the main results obtained from the answers to the different (the first is personal and the second for "critical friends").
As already anticipated, the performances selected for the personal questionnaire were eight, including auditions and important concerts. While those of the critical friends were also practice sessions where we played for each other and exchanged feedback.
Below you can see the most interesting and useful results for my own growth path.









Behind all this research here I take the space to give credit to the friends who have helped me. Not only for filling in the questionnaire, but also for all the valuable and sincere advice they have received. Sometimes you learn more from studying with a friend than from a lesson with a professor. [G5]

I decided to start from this data [G1] as I strongly believe that it is the most significant for my research.


From this first graph we can see which aspects of the strategy used were most effective for me.

For this question you could chose more then one option.


As we can see, in seven out of eight performances, the breathing exercises were extremely helpful. I'm quite an outgoing person, so being able to keep my arousal level not too high allows me to be more in control and confident.
Immediately afterwards, we see that the imagination work also helped a lot. As well as planning daily/monthly/yearly goals made it possible to study more efficiently.
Meditation was mentioned only once. I am seeing the benefits of meditation especially during study sessions, helping me to be more focused. At the same time I am very aware that I have just started practicing it, but I am very curious to go on.


In this question I asked what could be improved more, in a nutshell: what are you missing to make a further leap in quality or mentality? [G3]
I left the possibility of giving an open answer so that we could be more free.

This is the result that surprised me most. The most frequent words are: Self-confidence; Believe in your potential. 

For me, this is a very important aspect on which I will base my planning for future work.


It is absolutely no coincidence that the two performances of which
I am not happy with are those where I have not been serious about planning my study and goal setting. This brings me back to the point that it is more efficient to study with a clear map of what you want to do.

As far as the questionnaire data for my 'critical friends' is concerned, this is the most relevant and significant data. My goal, of course, is to have the greatest focus at all times, but this is a clear indication that we are on the right track. [G4]

This may not be relevant, but for me it is vitally important. [G2]


Before I started this work on my approach to the studio and to concerts/auditions, it was very rare for me to be happy after a performance. This goes hand in hand with enjoying the music. The more I enjoy the music and the moment, the more satisfied I am with the performance.
The work I undertake allows me to be better prepared both technically and mentally so that I am more involved and immersed in my goal.


Seeing these figures makes me very hopeful for the future.