Reconfiguring the Landscape at IRCAM


We returned to IRCAM with over 300 GB of recordings. The normal procedure would then be to catalogue the recordings, but as there were only a few days to create our compositions (one individual composition per composer and two collaborative sound installations), and prepare for the panel discussions, the cataloguing and first stages of composing began simultaneously and collectively.

Over the following days we worked both together and separately in these different spaces to experiment and develop the materials. Our goals were many, some shared and some individual, but all focusing on ways to reconstruct and reinterpret the spatial landscape of our study site using common materials, while also including sounds and influences from our home countries and our personal associations.

Four workspaces and three installation spaces

Studio 1

Studio 1 is installed with a 32-channel hemisphere loudspeaker array and was the best place to monitor the quality of our ambisonic recordings as well as compose. While making the recordings we had already inserted markers, and combined with the memorable experience of Grandes-Serres in Pantin only a day before, the cataloguing process was surprisingly easy. Most notably we identified specific points such as interesting articulations, acoustical features and iconic moments.

Studio 4

Studio 4 is smaller than studio 1, but installed with a 24-channel hemisphere loudspeaker array served a similar purpose.

Figure 9: IRCAM Studio 1. 4th order ambisonic dome.

Photo Credit: Philippe Barbosa

Studio 5

Studio 5 is a larger space that was not available to us on the first days, but would later feature as one of our installation setups.

Figure 10: IRCAM Studio 5.

Photo Credit: Philippe Barbosa

Foyer and gallery area

In the evenings after the office staff had departed, we had access to the main hall area. Here we set up the IKO and later in the week would test for its best location and develop materials for one of our installation setups.


Figure 11: IKO in background, acouspade in foreground.
Photo credit: Nadine Schütz.