The Inner Critic

Room 0.18B







Setting: Audience in room 0.18B.

Synopsis: Inner Critic confirming its position within the artistic process.

(In room 0.18B)



Yeah? Somebody called me? I’m here! Here! And here! Yeah..I’m in lots of places, you will find out soon enough.


I don’t want to brag but, no wait, I’m going to whisper this, the others are a bit susceptible so…I don’t want to brag but I am everywhere, everywhere!

I am the voice of awareness, I am the one who reminds the other voices what and why we are doing what we are doing, I am the inner critic.

Still doubting there? Ok, I will prove I’m the glue that holds everything together with these words, listen:

“The personal struggle of feeling of not belonging somewhere leads me to investigate spaces, to search for their multiple or potential identities. I guess that is some kind of way to extend my own identity, my own place where to belong to, my search for it. It seems like this search wants and needs to get out of a confined space and explore the biggest reality where we found ourselves living in; that is the social and political environment. Nevertheless, I’m getting more and more interested in site-specific locations, because I can see their own identity there, or I can search and be helped to find it through storytelling. Working with the features of a space and highlighting what is already there, brings me to consider each space an actual source. The apparent emptiness of it pushes me to search for its hidden layers and to convey other meanings and interpretations of it.”

You see that now?

I believe in reminding myself that my voice has a voice and it needs to be listened to.

I believe that, for how fragile my voice might appear, it doesn’t want to dissolve in the darkness, and to not risk that, (switch on the light manually) it trusts the role of performativity.

I believe in keeping track of myself to not get lost in a crowd of voices. I shape and follow my traces through filming and recording, to let see and hear my presence, and through writing, to see it and hear it myself.

As Inner Critic, hence being everywhere, writing indeed is a necessity. Sometimes, I don’t even realise what my mind is busy with until I don’t see my thoughts written black on white; this step becomes the conceptualisation of them. What probably surprises me the most about writing in my process, is that it can also become a later necessity that tries to make sense out of ideas and what I’m doing. It also is a feedback coming from myself, a tool for self-inquiry.


I now want you to leave me, to leave this voice, to leave this room. Yes now, you can go, (audience leaving the room) and, I want you to take a position again, your position, outside of here.

I want to leave space to all these voices that are not just in our heads.

I want you to find your own voice, I want you to look at it and I want you to listen to it, to speak out of it, and make us spectators.




Documentation of  "Reseaching a method" from DOC 2.1