Sound-Essay 2

Boris Previšić, Hannes Seidl and Lucas Niggli



The three sound files per row are of similar duration and represent layers of a filtering process: the original source (left) is Boris Previšić’s complete reading of the German version of his article Acoustic Micro- and Macroephemeralities in Literature. Robert Walser’s Microscript 364 (1925) and Peter Weber’s Silber und Salbader (1999), home-recorded in five takes on his mobile phone. These takes have been filtered with a reciprocal mp3-filter by Hannes Seidl (middle) and the five resulting sound files inspired Lucas Niggli to five Sound-Essays with the same duration (right). The readers are invited to mix their own version out of the different layers.

 Boris Previšić reads his article (home-recording, m4a-files)

T1: beginning    

T2: continuation   

T3: continuation   

T4: continuation    

T5: conclusion

 Hannes Seidl filters Previšić’s reading (wave-files)

T1: reciprocal AAC-filter (CBR480)

T2: reciprocal AAC-filter (CBR256)

T3: reciprocal AAC-filter (CBR192)

T4: reciprocal AAC-filter (CBR128)   

T5: reciprocal AAC-filter (CBR96)

Sound-Essays by Lucas Niggli on the base of the filtered sound files (mp3-files)

T1: geflüster, medium speed, sound...continuum, Take 69 (Bellrattle und durch tube reverse geredet. Chetteli randomtouch), Uster/CH: Dec. 21, 2016

T2: krächzender, schärfere S. Akustisches Objekt speichern, Akustische Mikroephemerität, Take 75 (tubes on Rims, leichtes bending und Polyrhythmen), Uster/CH: Dec. 21, 2016

T3: english, kompakt...mehr Ausschläge, Take 76 (Puls No Puls, Only 4 Cymbals, Tubes. Phrases, playing along reading), Uster/CH: Dec. 21, 2016

T4: langer Take, mit vielen Nebengeräuschen, geboostete S sch sch (wie Papier das zerrissenwird... flüstern...) Take 73 (Big Brush, Sticks, drums und woodblocks, Playing along the reading. 6/4, ¾, 6/8... phrasing), Uster/CH: Dec. 21, 2016    

T5: Silber und Salbader // Toggenburg, ein Langgezogener Mollakkord. Sehr viele S und Zischlaute geboostet. Take 71 (playing along the reading, mit alter Schreibmaschine Typ Torpedo. Speichern des Textes, KlangSprachKlang), Uster/CH: Dec. 21, 2016