[Sh16] G.K. Sharma, Composing with Sculptural Sound Phenomena in Computermusic, Dissertation, peer-reviewed.

[ZFZ16] M. Zaunschirm, M. Frank, F. Zotter, An Interactive Virtual Icosahedral Loudspeaker Array, in Fortschritte der Akustik, DAGA Aachen.

[ZFWZ16] F. Zotter, M. Frank, F. Wendt, M. Zaunschirm, Auditory object localization of the variable-directivity icosahedral loudspeaker, Fortschritte der Akustik, in Fortschritte der Akustik, DAGA Aachen, conference, openly accessible, self-archived.

[ZFWZ16] F. Zotter, M. Frank, F. Wendt, M. Zaunschirm, Auditory object localization of the variable-directivity icosahedral loudspeaker, Fortschritte der Akustik, in Fortschritte der Akustik, DAGA, Aachen, conference, openly accessible, self-archived.

[WFZH16a] F. Wendt, M. Frank, F. Zotter, R. Höldrich, Influence of directivity pattern order on perceived distance, in Fortschritte der Akustik, DAGA Aachen. conference, openly accessible, self-archived.

[WFZH16b] F. Wendt, M. Frank, F. Zotter, R. Höldrich, Directivity Patterns Controlling the Auditory Distance, in proceedings DAFx-16, conference, peer-reviewed conference, open access, best paper award.

[WSF+16] F. Wendt, Sharma, G.K., M. Frank, F. Zotter, R. Höldrich, Perception of Spatial Sound Phenomena Created by the Icosahedral Loudspeaker, Computer Music Journal special Issue on High-Density Loudspeaker Arrays, accepted for publication, peer-reviewed journal.

[ZZFK16] F. Zotter, M. Zaunschirm, M. Frank, M. Kronlachner, Spherical Beamforming and Exciting Wall Reflections, Computer Music Journal special Issue on High-Density Loudspeaker Arrays, submitted, peer-reviewed journal.


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