
The Italic I 

The Italic I (2012–2018) is an artistic research collaboration with artist Clare Thornton which explores the event of surrendering to a repeated fall, which is then slowed and extended through use of both language and the lens. The event of falling is approached as a motif through which to explore the live and lived experience of disorientation and of leaning into the unknown within artistic practice and collaboration. This section of the research exposition (See link to the right) attempts to show how the practice of conversation-as-material is activated within The Italic I, specifically how the transcript material is distilled/edited gradually into a poetic lexicon for describing the arc of falling, which in turn is then presented in various ways including as artists’ bookwork, wall text, moving image, installation, and as a text-based online work.


For the wider context of the project The Italic I see:

Cocker, E., & Thornton, C. (2016). The Italic I: towards a lexicon for reflecting on the arc of falling. In Hadromi-Allouche, Z., & Larkin, A. (Eds.). Fall narratives: an interdisciplinary perspective, (pp. 13–27). Routledge.

Cocker, E., & Thornton, C. (2018). The Italic I  between liveness and the lens. The alternative document. Studies in Theatre and Performance. 38, 3. pp. 238250. Doi: 10.1080/14682761.2018.1507202

Cocker, E., & Thornton, C. (2016) The Italic I: a 16 stage lexicon on the arc of falling. On showing and writing training. Journal of Theatre, Dance and Performance Training. pp. 253273.  7, 2. doi: 10.1080/19443927.2016.1175502


The Italic I