>>>>> HALLO, MARSCH! ____ >>>>>

Kollektive Walkingperformance für Mit-Läufer*innen und Schritt-Macher*innen 

Sa, 09.09.2017, 15:00 h (Hamburg / Germany)


"HALLO, MARSCH!" was the second artistic research project by Liz Rech within the frame of the graduate school "Performing Citizenship" (HCU and k3-Choreographic Center / Hamburg).

It was a participatory performance which was presented at the Hallo Festspiele on the 09.09.2017 as a walking performance from the Berliner Tor to the old Kraftwerk Bille at Hammerbrook / Hamburg, Germany.

It startet at 3pm in the afternoon and took one hour.

Afterwards the participants filled out a questionary.