Affect attunement is the performance of behaviors that express the quality of the feeling of a shared affect state without imitating the exact behavioral expression of the inner state (Stern, 1985, p.142)

Vitality affects are those dynamic, kinetic qualities of feeling that correspond to the memontary changes in feeling states involved in the organic processes of being alive. (Stern, 1985, p.156)

There are some qualities or properties that are held in common by most or all the modalities of perception. These include intensity, shape, time, motion and mumber. (Stern, 1985, p.152)

It is the existence  of these abstract representations of amodal properties that permits us to experience a perceptually unified world. (Stern, 1985, p.152)

 Artists, have taken the unity of the senses for granted.

    " There are odors fresh as the skin of an infant,

     Sweet as flutes, green as any grass

     And others, corrupt, rich and triumphant "

                                                       (Baudelaire, Correspondences, 1857)


Most poetry could not work without the tacit assumption that cross-sensory analogies and metaphors are apparent to everyone. (Stern, 1985, p. 155)

Poetic Contemplation..


               'Standing alone in the middle of a square

          Dancing with myself

  The sun smiled at me

              The trees embraced my body

Listening to the wind, smelling the flowers, touching the air

              A stray dog is the storyteller of our humanity

        And a small boy is waving his hand

                        Yes, he wants to dance with me

All these fragile creatures are there, present

                              We are there, sensing together

      Affected by the beauty and the grace of the moment

         Yes, we can move on...together'

                                                     (Eleonora Ilia, May 2020)


'Open' Scores in Practice


Score 1: Observe the space and activate the senses of vision, hearing and touch (literally the surroundings, metaphorically the space. Exlore and improvise, keeping this embodied awareness with you.

Score 2: Utilizing this embodied knolegdge, create a non-verbal dialogue together. Develop a relationship based on the experience of your previous exploration

Score 3: Improvise together as a duet and play consciously with the dimensions through space.Observe the architectural elements and create 'shapes' within your body.Play with sharper and linear forms or curves and try to 'fulfil' the empty spaces between your body parts, in case you meet (without physical touch).


Score 4: Keeping the score 3 as a basis, try to sense when something happens at the moment and changes your inner feeling state.For example, the sunlight embraces your body or you listen to a loud scream or you see something that attracts your attention.Use these moments as possible interventions that can change the qualities and dynamics of your movement. Respond naturally to them.