//Material of Boredom//

Does boredom have a concrete shape?

Suddenly, I got a lot of spare time at home due to the covid-19 crisis.

Every time when I feel bored, I make an object by using the material I found around me.

I believe that every boredom I sense is different on each day. 

Little by little.

Day by day. 

I will find out how my boredom, which is my state of mind change.


//Material of Security//


What material would you use to protect yourself when you feel insecure?


I collected how do people replace protective equipment with other materials under the present situation.


Some of the material seems unexpected but making sense with the context.



//Walking Photography//


We are restricted to go out after lockdown.


For a limited outdoor activity, I leave my shell and stroll in the park or street once a week.


Never thought about going out is a precious thing to me.


So I film what I see while walking.


To record what is happening, what is changed at the moment.