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2.d The similarities in language



its an odd thing – we generally use descriptions of what’s making a sound to describe the sound – say,  bird song, a car etc…not the sound itself; this is also the case in relation to affect – where we describe the result often – how something makes us ‘feel’ or what causes an affect – not ‘the affect’ in action.



I have also been think about;  how the process I use for gathering, digital photography, video and sound recording; take what is material stuff from the world around us – sound and light and turns it into data, electronic signal; and it’s in this form I work with it for part of my process – much as my brain takes up things and stores them as electrical signal? Holds them and moves and links than and ‘when asked’ retrieves them – I then also – with the aid of kit – make those digital signals back in to material stuff in an environment….


These are things I am only on the edge of thinking about – and that I might have to leave as thought for later – but they are things that I keep coming back to.