
Abbey, Edward, Desert Solitaire (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1968; repr. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1988)

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Baudrillard, Jean, America, trans. by Chris Turner (London: Verso, 1989)

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Shuttling what begins as a ruse, or perhaps a scripted McGuffin. Shuttling: a signifier and a collective undertaking without imperative, simply a vehicle for that yet to be determined, a promise of passage in a state of mobility and a gathering of energies.

> CONDITIONING perpetual negotiations with the contexts of practising

Shuttled by John Cage’s desire for ‘happenings to be arranged in such a way that I could at least see through the happening to something that wasn’t it.’32                                                

> CIRCLING through the emergence of co-creative practice

Shuttling being; being in shuttle; affording and taking shuttle; shuttling registers of the known and not-known; shuttling myths, conventions, orthodoxies.

> MOBILISING self-organising, peer-to-peer creative-practice research

Shuttled in the relations of a temporary intentional community, collected performative practices, creative frictions, and enmeshed situations.

> PATTERNING iterative interplay

Shuttling dry, sparse, expansive, spacious, and temporal suspension; shuttling ground and sky; shuttling deep earth and far space exploration; shuttled by moon rising to the setting sun of summer solstice.


> CO-CREATING among heterogeneous agencies, movements, and other-than-human forces

Shuttled by Elizabeth Grosz on how ‘Territory is always the coming together of spatiotemporal coordinates (and thus the possibilities of measurement, precise location, concreteness, actuality) and qualities (which are immeasurable, indeterminate, virtual, and open-ended), that is, it is the coupling of a milieu and a rhythm.’33

> UN-KNOWING ways of knowing, practising, and living in flux

Shuttling the orbit of iterative, processual, creative practice as research given to dynamic interdependencies in ecologies of things, humans, and other-than-human forces.

> VITALISING forces of co-creative processes

Shuttled with Robin Nelson’s observations that ‘In many instances, the dissemination of research findings will be through practice in workshops since they involve a doing-knowing.’34

> OTHERING relational encounters

Shuttling being alone and being embodied, enmeshed, entangled, and so alive; shuttling dirt road corrugations and interpersonal relations over a four-thousand-mile journey; shuttling the operations of ten artists tracing out an accumulating experimental creative-practice-as-research milieu.

> SITUATING sites, citations, circumstances, and contingencies

Shuttled through the dynamics of the conditioning of creative practice, the co-creating of practice-as-research experiences, and the situating of events that come to re-create practices.


> RETURNING orbits of circulation and resituating practices

Shuttling accumulation, dissolution, redundancy, entropy, and Elizabeth Grosz on how ‘A refrain is a movement by which the qualities of a specific territory or habitat resonate and return to form it as a delimited space, a space contained and bounded but nonetheless always open to the chaos from which it draws its force.’35


> ENMESHING relational lifeworlds with creative-practice poesis

Shuttled among peer-to-peer creative-practice development processes that privilege the live thinking-feeling-doing of praxis, or what Robin Nelson calls ‘doing knowing’.

> POST-HUMANISING lifeworlds

Shuttling the development and transmission of praxis knowledge with the adaptive and resilient capabilities of its creative practitioners.

> SHUTTLING dynamics of creative practice as research

Shuttled in a sustained doodle, back and forth by Annalea Beattie’s question from the outset: ‘If you were an artist travelling in a shuttle into space what kind of artist toolkit would you take with you? What would you return with?’36

Kwon, Miwon, One Place after Another: Site-Specific Art and Locational Identity (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002)

Lacy, Suzanne, Leaving Art: Writings on Performance, Politics, and Publics, 1974–2007 (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2010)

Lefebvre, Henri, The Production of Space, trans. by Donald Nicholson-Smith (Oxford: Blackwell, 1991)

Lévinas, Emmanuel, Totality and Infinity: An Essay on Exteriority, trans. by Alphonso Lingis (Pittsburgh, PA: Duquesne University Press, 1969)

Lippard, Lucy R., Overlay: Contemporary Art and the Art of Prehistory (New York: Pantheon Books, 1983)

Lyotard, Jean-François, Driftworks, ed. by Roger McKeon (New York: Semiotext(e), 1984)

McKenzie, Jon, Perform or Else: From Discipline to Performance (London: Routledge, 2001)

Nelson, Robin, Practice as Research in the Arts: Principles, Protocols, Pedagogies, Resistances (Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013)

Peeples, Jennifer, ‘Toxic Sublime: Imaging Contaminated Landscapes’, Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture, 5.4 (2011), 373–92

Steedman, Carolyn, Dust: The Archive and Cultural History (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2002)

Stevens, Wallace, The Man with the Blue Guitar (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1952)

Strickland, Edward, Minimalism: Origins (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1993)

Van Dyke, John Charles, The Desert: Further Studies in Natural Appearances (New York: Scribner, 1901; repr. Salt Lake City, UT: Peregrine Smith, 1980)

Williams, David, ‘Geographies of Requiredness: Notes on the Dramaturg in Collaborative Devising’, Contemporary Theatre Review 20.2 (2010): 197–202

———, ‘Shuttle 4: Dusting’, Skywritings (20 June 2013) <> [accessed 30 October 2015]

———, ‘Shuttle 6: The Book of Sand’, Skywritings (22 June 2013) <> [accessed 30 October 2015]



Williams, Raymond, ‘Culture is Ordinary (1958)’, in John Higgins, ed., The Raymond Williams Reader (Oxford: Blackwell, 2001), pp. 10–24

Zittel, Andrea, Paola Morsiani, and Trevor Smith, Andrea Zittel: Critical Space (Munich: Prestel, 2005)


On Shuttle

Carrión, Luis, ‘Performance Explores Themes of Mobility and Environment’, AZ Illustrated: Arts, KUAT (PBS), 26 September 2013 <> [accessed 31 October 2015]

Carrión, Luis, and Kelley, Andrea, (Shuttle featured in) Arizona Spotlight, KUAZ (PBS), 4 October 2013 <> [accessed 31 October 2015]

Dorf, Alison, ‘A Work in Progress: SHUTTLE’, City Week: Pick of the Week, Tucson Weekly, 27 June 2013 <> [accessed 31 October 2015]

Douglas, Mick, James Oliver, and Beth Weinstein, ‘Shuttling: Conditioning, Co-creating, Situating, performance at SEAM 2013, Sydney, Australia, 15–17 November 2013 

Jahanmir, Yasmine, ‘“Shuttle” by Mick Douglas, Beth Weinstein, and James Oliver’, psi19performanceblog, 1 July 2013 <> [accessed 31 October 2015]

Magrane, Eric, ‘Environmental Resonances, Performance, and an Unconventional Summer Road Trip’, University of Arizona, Institute of the Environment, 30 August 2013 <> [accessed 31 October 2015]