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Society for Artistic Research


With this Newsletter, the SAR Executive Board wish you all a replenishing and pleasant holiday time and optimistic turn of the year!

  • Weimar Conference Update

The 12th SAR International Conference on Artistic Research will according to plan take place with the Weimar Bauhaus University as host from 29.03 to 01.04 2022. One part of the programme is planned as a 24-hour online event, followed by the onsite conference in Weimar starting Wednesday 30.03 in the afternoon and with two full days Thursday (31.03) and Friday (01.04).
If Covid-restrictions do not permit an on-site conference, the conference will take place online.

The Conference Committee has received more than 175 submissions for presentations. Final selections have just taken place, and the results will be communicated during the coming days.


  • SAR General Assembly 2022

The date for the SAR General Assembly (GA) is set to Saturday 02.01.21 at 10:30 CEST, and planned to take place in Weimar on the day after the conference has ended.


  • Executive Board Elections 2022: Positions, Election Committee, Nominations, Deadline, and Participation Information

According to the SAR election rotation system, there are four openings in the SAR Executive Board in 2022 (President, Vice President, and two Ordinary Members), for which there will be elections either at the GA in Weimar on the day after the conference, or online, should Covid-measures require this.

The President and First President positions currently filled by Deniz Peters and Geir Strom, are open to (re-)election for the remaining periods of four, and respectively, two years. Two ordinary board memberships, held so far by Gabriele Schmid (now having reached the maximum of board membership time) and Chrysa Parkinson (who resigned from her board role in autumn 2021), are open to election for four years. The whole Executive Board wishes to take this opportunity to thank both Gabriele Schmid and Chrysa Parkinson unanimously and emphatically for their important and congenial contributions to the board and SAR.   

The election committee is chaired by Vice President Jaana Erkkilä-Hill. The deadline for nominations will be by the end of January, and the invitation to participate in the GA and the call for nominations will be circulated to the members in the beginning of January 2022. The confirmation of whether the conference and GA will be held in Weimar or online will be announced in due course.


  • New Institutional Portal Partners

The Executive Board welcomes the following two new Portal Partners:

- Fontys School of Fine and Performing Arts
- Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica


  • Call: SAR’s 2021 Annual Prize for Best Research Catalogue Exposition 

The call by the Executive Board of SAR for the Annual Prize for Excellent Research Catalogue Exposition of the preceding year (2021) is now open. The prize aims to foster and encourage innovative, experimental new formats of publication and to give visibility to the qualities of artistic research and its outcomes. The Executive Board appoints a jury to assess the submissions, to consist of a member of the SAR Executive Board, a representative from a Portal Partner, and a former prize winner. 

 Facts and Figures: 

  • Deadline for submission: 31.01 2022.
  • Publication period of exposition: 01.01 2021–31.12 2021. 
  • Conditions: The publication/exposition must have been published (not only shared) on the RC platform.
  • The language of the exposition must be English.
  • Prize Award: € 500
  • Award Ceremony: SAR International Conference, 29.03 – 01.04 2022, Weimar, Germany.

Please Note: Previous winners of the prize cannot submit for three full years after receiving their award.


  • Report: Funding Agencies Meeting on 9. November 2021

SAR organized a Funding Agencies Seminar on 9th November this year. This was an online event, and the main focus was an update on the developments of the Frascati Manual and the Vienna Declaration: Motivation, process, declaration – its rationale and aims, the next steps. Stefan Gies, AEC CEO and chair of the project task force, presented the status of the project and its work, and there was a discussion on the way forward.

The other main theme for the meeting was a discussion of potential topics for the in-person event in Spring 2022 and of what is at stake within those topics for the represented agencies, countries, and institutions. Possible topics are funding structures, small-scale funding schemes, transdisciplinary and thematic funding, post-doctoral funding, challenges and pitfalls of reviewing procedures and visibility of artistic research.


  • Vienna Declaration/Frascati Manual Developments

The before mentioned task force that developed the Vienna Declaration on Artistic Research, has further worked on concrete proposals for reformulations within the EOCD Frascati Manual, mainly on those parts that particularly addresses art and art expression in the existing version of the manual. The main purpose of these proposals is to see artistic research recognised in the research categorisations that are established within the manual.

A meeting with the chair of the Frascati Manual Editorial Board is planned to take place early next year.


  • New RC Functionality

As results of the special funding for new RC modules – provided by some of our portal partners over the last two years – we are proud to present two new features that have become available to all RC users:

    Block Editor:

The new block editor has now been integrated in the standard graphical editor. It uses the same media tools but organised using a flexible row and column structure. This style of editing is very suitable for dealing with pages that consist of text with inline media and similar relative positioned content. The output is a responsive web page that displays well on both small and bigger screens. Expositions can combine both “graphical” and “block” pages in a single exposition. More info can be found in the guide.


    PDF export:

In addition to the already implemented HTML export, it is now possible to export expositions as a PDF file. Each page is exported as a page within the PDF, and the layout and design are maintained.


  • RC Thematic Seminars and Webinars

SAR now arranges regular thematic seminar for our portal partners, which focus on a variety of features within and qualities of the Research Catalogue. These seminars take place approx. once a month, and the video-recordings are available to the portal partners. The seminars will start up again on the 17th of January 10.00-11:30 CET.

In September 2021 SAR arranged our second webinar for all our members, as an introduction to individual use of the RC. This was conducted by our two RC Admin Officers Luc Döbereiner and Casper Schipper. We had a good number of registered participants, and received a lot of positive feedback for this event. We are planning a similar third webinar available to all our members (institutional and individual) on 25th February 10:00-12:00 CET.


  • RC Management Team Expansion

To meet growing activities within the Research Catalogue (RC) and our portal partners, and also due to a need to reschedule the tasks among the RC Managing Officers, the Executive Board has decided to add Tero Heikkinen to the RC managing team. Both Luc Döbereiner and Casper Schipper will continue, with Casper Schipper in a Co-ordinator’s role. In his main position, Tero Heikkinen works for the University of the Arts Helsinki in a role supporting RC use and the online journal RUUKKU.


  • Research Catalogue (RC), Portal Partnerships, and New Internal Sub-Portal Option

The RC functions as a platform for the dissemination of peer-reviewed content and publications, for student’s presentation of work and the assessment of such work – as well as of self-published research outcomes:

The RC enables students, artists and researchers to deviate from the standard format of academic presentations, journal articles and/or research repositories:

  • Because images and sounds are not subordinate to, but fundamentally on a par with the text;
  • Because of the opportunity provided to break out of the linear narrative structure;
  • Because it facilities the option for a continuous (and collaborative) research activity from notating/documenting research processes and initial outcomes, to fully elaborated publications.

The RC is available as a portal option for institutions and on-line journals. To Portal Partners, the RC offers a range of opportunities, such as:

  • Institutional documentation and publication platform;
  • Institutional archive, repository;
  • Research documentation and collaborative workspace for staff and students;
  • Research managing tool (e.g. application system);
  • Online rich media platform for peer reviewed journals.

For these purposes, the RC hosts a number of public portals for institutional presentation and archiving of research outcomes, which are all peer-reviewed by that portal’s own criteria.. At this stage approx. 25 institutions have subscribed to such a portal – not all of them are yet publicly active.

For the SAR Portal Partners, we now also provide the option of an internal (closed) portal for student related activities at bachelor, master and/or doctoral level. This internal platform may be used for student’s presentation of work outcomes, for teaching and learning (including supervision) purposes and for online assessment of student examination work. The institution can decide what part(s) of such material should be archived and/or shown on their public portal.

For more information contact SAR Executive Officer Johan A Haarberg –





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