A Joint Module of Improvisation


From score to creation

Royal Conservatoire of Den Haag



As a result of the European METRIC project some modules have been developed that are shared by a group of institutions within the larger METRIC group. Some of these modules let students travel and do intensive projects together, others let teachers travel to be guests in each other's institutions. The sharing of expertise strenghtens the relation and connections between institutions. The module "From Score to Creation" was developed between between three European institutions: the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London, the Royal Conservatory of Antwerp and the Royal Conservatoire of Den Haag. The course has been implemented and organized in an asymmetrical way: each institution implements it differently, local teachers teach about 75% of the course, the remaining 25% is taught by teachers from the collaborating institutions. In practice this means that teachers from all three institutions are traveling once 

or twice per semester to share their expertise with the students at the other locations, while each institution keeps their own content description for their local module. In Den Haag the course is set up as an elective module in the masters studies that takes  inspiration from the literature as a starting point for the practice of improvisation.  The project presented here is a final performance presentation of the class of 2019 in Den Haag. I will discuss how we have worked with the students and what the creation processes were for a couple of pieces. Further information and analysis can be found on the BACKSTAGE page of the project.

Detailed information on the contents of the module can be found on the METRIC website (Link to METRIC site).

Trailer of the performance presentations for the joint module of improvisation (January/February 2019)
