This list of literature has been discussed by the founding members since 2020 and is now accessible to the public.

  • Blesser, Barry & Salter, Linda-Ruth, Spaces Speak, are you listening? MIT Press 2006.

  • Certeau, Michel De , The Practices of Everyday Life,  University of California; 3rd revised edition, (1980) reprinted 2011.

  • Döring, Jörg & Thielmann, Tristan. Einleitung: Was lesen wir im Raume? Der Spatial Turn und das geheime Wissen der Geographen. In: Jörg Döring & Tristan Thielmann. (Hg.). Spatial Turn. Das Raumparadigma in den Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften. Transcript [7-19, und 19-28, 28-39] 2006.

  • Fraser, Benjamin, Why the spatial epistemology of the video game matters: Metis, video game space and interdisciplinary theory, Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds, Volume 3 Number 2, Intellect Ltd Article 2011.

  • Harvey, David, Space as a Keyword in David Harvey: A Critical Reader, Castree, Noel; Gregory, Derek (eds.), 70-93, Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2006.

  • Haun, Daniel B.M., Rapold, Christian J., Janzen, Gabriele and Levinson, Stephen, Plasticity of human spatial cognition: Spatial language and cognition across cultures. Cognition, 119, 70-80, 2011.

  • Guenzel, St., Aarseth, E., (eds), Ludotopia: Spaces, Places and Territories in Computer Games, English, transcript: Bielefeld 2019.

  • Gunkel, David J. and Hetzel Gunkel, Ann, Virtual  Geographies: The New Worlds of Cyberspace, Critical Studies in Media Communication 14(2):123-137, 1997.

  • Kendall, G. S., Spatial Perception and Cognition in Multichannel Audio for Electroacoustic Music. Organised Sound 15(3): 228–238, 2010.

  • Krauss, Rosalind, Sculpture in the Expanded Field, October Vol. 8, pp. 30-44, The MIT Press 1979.

  • Levinson, Stephen C. Space in Language and Cognition. Explorations in Cognitive Diversity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2003.

  • Massey, Doreen, For Space, SAGE Publications Ltd; Illustrated Edition 2005.

  • Massumi, Brian, Parables of the Virtual - Duke University Press 2002.

  • Merleau-Ponty, Maurice. Phenomenology of Perception. Trans. Collin Smith. London and New York: Routledge Classics, 1962.
  • Miltiadis, Constantinos, The architectural continuum. Choropoietic media and post-physical-world environments. In: Andri Gerber & Ulrich Götz, (Hrsg.). 2019. Architectonics of Game Spaces. The Spatial Logic of the Virtual and its Meaning for the Real. Bielefeld: Transcript, 183-199. 2019.

  • Novak, Marcos, Liquid Architecture in Cyberspace, in Cyberspace: first steps, Benedikt, Michael (ed.),  pp. 272-285, 1991.

  • Nyström, E., Topology of spatial texture in the acoustic medium. PhD thesis. City University London, 2013.

  • Otondo, F., Contemporary Trends in the Use of Space in Electroacoustic Music. Organised Sound 13(1): 77–81, 2008.

  • Perec, George, Species of Spaces, Penguin 2008.

  • Psarologaki, Liana, Towards Genomenology: The Lived Experience as Input-Output Spatiotemporal, DAKAM 2014.

  • Sharma, G.K., Aural Sculpturality. Spatio-temporal Phenomena within Auditive Media Techniques, booklet, german/english, ZKM/Hertz-Labor (Hg.), Karlsruhe, April 2019.

  • Sharma, G.K., Surrounded by Immersion – Means of Post-Democratic Warfare, chapter in: Ultra Black of Music, Mille Plateaux, Frankfurt 2020.

  • Thiering, Martin; Blomberg, Johan, Spatial phenomenology and cognitive linguistics. Metodo 4/2, 159–212. 2016.

  • Thiering, Martin, Spatial Semiotics and Spatial Mental Models: Figure-Ground Asymmetries in Spatial Language and Cognition. Applied Cognitive Linguistics, 27, hg. von Gitte Kristiansen & Francisco J. Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez. Berlin: De Gruyter 2015.

  • Tzortzi, Kali, Spatial concepts in museum theory and practice, Proceedings of the 10th International Space Syntax Symposium, 37:1 - 37:14 2015.

  • Smalley, Denis, Space Form and the Acousmatic Image - Organised Sound (12)1. 2007.