

1. Photo credit: Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka

1. Henri Lefebvre (19919 The Production of Space. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwel

2. Meike Schalk (2017) Feminist Futures of Spatial Practice: Materialisms, Activisms, Dialogues, Pedagogies, Projections: Materialism, Activism, Dialogues, Pedagogies, Projections (Research and Practice). Meike Schalk, Thérèse Kristiansson, and Ramia Mazé (eds.) Baunach, Bavaria: Spurbuchverlag 

3. Michel de Certeau (2014) Kunst des Handelns. Trans. Ronald Voullié. Berlin: Merve Verlag; Reissue Edition


lecturer I researcher I media theorist I sound artist I composer



is a musician, sound maker, researcher, and professional listener. She is teaching, performing, thinking, playing, improvising, creating, and digesting in a number of ways, trying to understand how spaces around me are constructed and perceived through our past, present, and future actions – through technologies, bodies, environments, and imaginations. To her, art and theory are a space where we can create and explore situations of controlled uncertainties, unfolding across multiple mutual dialogues.

Research – no matter if in theory or in the arts – is about exchanging and growing knowledge through each other. Thus, what matters most to her is mutual exchange, discussion, proactive critique, and collective thinking on a common topic.