

lecturer I researcher I media artist I media technologist

is a media artist and independent artistic researcher working from different individual, collaborative and collective platforms. His time-based films, installations, sounds, and performances move along the perception of subjective and objective storytelling, addressing the possibilities of reality against the backdrop of radical fiction. Currently, he is working on an artistic research project dealing with a fictive precarious city of the future called Villa Futuro.

His approach to space is focused on its enormous potential for relating aspects of agency of community building, social complexity and political awareness. From the perspective of his own artistic research, he is engaged with a philosophical inquiry on marginalized urban spaces in the Global South as critical narrative audiovisual cartographies. By radically relocating subjects to a fictive marginal space, his research explores ways in which narrative digital art can participate in the invention of new forms of subjectivity and collectivity that cross the boundaries of a correlational local-global logic.


1. Photo credit: Gonzalo H. Rodriguez

1. Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari (1987) Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia.  Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press; 2nd Edition

2. Ian Lambot and Greg Girard (2014) City of Darkness: Revisited. San Francisco, California: Watermark 

3. Manuel Castells (1984) The City and the Grassroots: A Cross-Cultural Theory of Urban Social Movements.  Berkeley, California: nUniversity of California Press

4. Graham Harman (2018) Object-Oriented Ontology: A New Theory of Everything. London: Pelican Books

5. Anna Dezeuze (2016) Almost nothing: Observations on Precarious Practices in Contemporary Art (Rethinking Art's Histories). Manchester: Manchester University Press