organized by Adelheid Mers and Rumen Rachev


The new working group Performance & Pedagogy offers a forum for sharpening questions and workshopping models that arise from the PSi membership. P&P opens conversations spanning embodied being, doing and knowing across multiple dimensions of pedagogy, such as learning, teaching, and institutional contexts of delivery. read more.

These pages will evolve along with our group's activities.


Call for contributions

Performance Pedagogy Workshop 2022

Performance, Pedagogy, and Co-Presence

Inspired by the conference theme of hunger, the PSi Working Group Performance and Pedagogy is interested in what it means for a conference to pose the human and disciplinary challenge to engage in the real world. What does it mean to engage?

We would like to use the idea of presence to further spin out the questions above. Recently Alice Lagaay and Anna Seitz (2020) asked about “the role presence could be permitted to play in academic situations of co-presence with others”, including “conferences, seminars or lectures.” We understand that PSi asks to expand this idea, to enact the conference's co-presence with others in the world.

The idea of presence will be investigated through the notion of translinearity, as “performative forms of research, teaching and learning that cannot easily be transferred into linearized formats” (Holkenbrink & Seitz, 2018). What forms of dialogues can arise from co-presence within academia and beyond the walls of the institution? How can we listen in the context of a dialogue? Which forms of action may emanate from that?

We are seeking questions, conversation prompts, fledgling or well-formed ideas or suggestions to sharpen the topic, its attendant unease and contradictions along with long-awaited opportunities and even excitement, for discussion and/or presentation at three sessions the Working Group will host online. Please write to us at by July 15th at the latest, and we’ll collate/curate sessions around your prompts. Please also let us know which date + time you prefer.


(To ease Zoom overload, the working group will NOT convene July 6-9, the conference dates. We look forward to attending conference panels.)

The working group will convene online: 


23rd of July, 7 - 8 pm CDT
30th of July, 2 - 3 pm CDT
6th of August, 7 - 8 pm CDT


Please save the dates, and feel free to share this. We look forward to hearing from you, and will send links and line-ups by July 20th.

With best regards,

Adelheid and Rumen


Our first series of events took place in the summer of 2021, online:

Please follow the link above for extensive documentation.
Thank you to Justice Henderson and Haley Bergeson for workshop participation, concept support, and documentation design.

PSi is a professional association founded in 1997 to promote communication and exchange among artists, thinkers, activists and academics working in the field of performance.