EXPLORATION PERIOD: January - February
During this phase, we re-engaged with our notebooks, memories and recording conversations from the previous PHASE of practice research, in order to identify and explore the potential for prompts/scores therein. What did we actually do? What were we actually exploring in practice? Identified scores/prompts/exercises were also added to the record of previous activity.
FOCUS/PRACTICE: Conversation-as-Material (I) as a shared practice. The focus of this conversation practice was the preceding period of exploration during which we revisited the transcript material from the whole of the previous period of exploration, seeing if we could 'extract' prompt, cues, triggers, questions, provocations within that material for future explorations. Some of those extracts can be found towards the right side of this page.
Speaker is not visible (masks camera with tape), listener has back turned, active listening.
0. Arrival (lying down or movement practice) [10 mins]
1. Speaking/listening: taking turns facing [5 mins each]
2. Speaking/listening: taking turns facing [5 mins each]
3. Speaking/listening: taking turns facing [10 mins each]
4. Speaking/listening: taking turns facing [5 mins each]
- Take a moment to tune into the chosen object/focus of exploration – this could involve a period of recollection, or looking back at notes, sketches, wordings that relate to the object/focus of exploration, or by noting/drawing/diagramming.
- Connect and try to stay connected with your direct experience.
- Feel free to speak before knowing what it is that you want to say – thinking through speaking.
- Feel free to speak in single words, partial phrases, half sentences, and thought fragments.
- Allow for vulnerability and embarrassment – for wrestling with, stumbling and falling over one’s words.
- Consider different speeds and rhythms. Allow for silence.
- Approach listening to the other as an aesthetic practice.