Notes 2022: SO INSERT ALL TEXT HERE (with Fotnotes! Surprised)

(or post PDF ^__^v)

It will be a PDF - this is just to hard to to edit back and forth.. :P (Will post Master thesis here when finished 20230424 note) As for public show here will be a Master thesis PDF (maybe blacked out certain parts that aren't suteble to present yet...)

Comment section and other related texts or thingys


Space for comments





This is the final master's thesis version, the one published to the DIVA-protal. 127 pages in total (main text body 100 pages)
















20230425 Work in Progress version sent to critical friend Ulricha Johnson before Performance lecture...






The work in progress here is 150 pages long but is more about art and ART-definitions and is not fully fact checked - but it contains alot of my thoughts on ART and my definitions in relation to Social Media acting.

Read if you want but I suggest you start with the final version of the thesis. Unless you are just here for the art, then there is also more documentation on the ART playground page for you ;)