
Ashley Booth, Professor in Visual communication (ashley.booth@khib.no)  

Linda H. Lien, Associate professor in graphic design (linda.lien@khib.no)


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1) Isotype, Available at www.designhistory.org/Symbols_pages/isotype.html (Retrieved 01 10 2013). See also Annink, E. & Bruinsma, M. Isotype. 2008. Lovely language. Words divide pictures unite. Rotterdam: Veenman.

2) www.graphicbirdwatching.com/featuredbird/womens-design-research-unit/ (Retrieved 01 10 2013). Pussy Galore. Available at www.graphicbirdwatching.com/featuredbird/womens-design-research-unit/ (Retrieved 01 10 2013). Other references: True Art. Available at: www.truearts.biz/cityart/life. constructions.html (Retrieved 03 02 2012).

3) Olympukes. Available at www.virusfonts.com/fonts/olympukes (Retrieved 01 10 2013)

4) www.r-bup.no/CMS/cmspublish.nsf/($all)/C40D2FD08B2EE453C1257E110030926F?open&qm=hovedmeny,1,5,0,0,0 / 02/22/2016

5) www.spesped.no/spesped/index.php?innhold=kurs / 02/22/2016

6) www.helse-bergen.no/no/OmOss/Avdelinger/pbu/Spesialpoliklinikken/ Sider/KAT_kassen.aspx / 02/22/2016

7 )http://carolgraysocialstories.com / 02/22/2016

8) www.cat-kit.com/?lan=no&area=catbox&page=catbox / 02/22/2016

9) www.cat-kit.com/?lan=no&area=catbox&page=day) / 02/22/2016

10) www.isaac.no/hva-er-isaac/ 02/22/2016

11) www.pictogram.se / 02/22/2016

12) Download at www.dubbeltutsatt.se / 02/22/2016

13) http://linguadigitalis.com / 02/22/2016

14) Kinect is a motion sensing input device developed by Microsoft for gaming.

15) Migrantas. Available at www.migrantas.org (Retrieved 01 10 2013). www.migrantas.org/web_migrantas_english.html 02.11.2011)

16) Meeting at Bergen Academy of Art and Design, Kong Oscarsgate 62, 28.09.15. Ruth Marie Donovan is responsoble for part of a conference arranged by Bergensclinics spring 2016. RØST will focus on innovation in user involvment. Meeting at Bergen Academy of Art and Design, Kong Oscarsgate 62, 09.12.15.

17) Arna Active is a public rehabilitation and aftercare service for people with drugrelated challenges, both in and outside of LAR-treatment. Owned by Bergen municipality.

18) LAR-treatmeng means physician assisted drug treatment.

19) Pussy Galore and Olympukes: www.graphicbirdwatching.com/featuredbird/womens-design-research-unit/ (Retrieved 01 10 2013). www.virusfonts.com/fonts/olympukes (Retrieved 01 10 2013)







Pictogram-me is an artistic research project developed at Bergen Academy of Art and Design, Department of design, supported by the Norwegian Artistic Research Programme.