
I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during this research:

  • My supervisor Inês de Avena Braga for her constant and inspiring support throughout this non-linear process;

  • My external supervisor Anne Pustlauk for sharing her knowledge with me and asking me questions to which I had (and, in some cases, still have) no answer;

  • Mariateresa Dellaborra, who always answered my innumerable calls and generously provided me with essential information;

  • Gian-Luca Petrucci and Ugo Piovano for sharing with me scores and other useful material concerning Mercadante;

  • Francesco Carreras and Gianni Lazzari, who kindly showed me their stunning instrument collections;

  • Rosa Cafiero, for giving me that piece of the puzzle that made me completely rethink my research and my identity as a HIP performer;

  • Cesare Corsi, for giving me valuable information on the Library of the Neapolitan Conservatory and its collection;

  • The Stichting De Zaaier for the economic support;

  • And finally, Irene, who revised my English syntax and warned me against using fourteen subordinate clauses per sentence.

[To Prologue]