"Captain Baltheruz' last journey" 2016, painting, Rasmus Albertsen, Sweden

Inspiration and mood-board

Animatic for "Otto & Captain Baltheruz - The holy mushroom" (in swedish)

Building progress

Previous projects leading to this film

Otto & Captain Baltheruz, The holy Mushroom, (2020) Rasmus Albertsen, Sweden

"John Dillermand" (2021) Denmark, production company: "Made by us"

"CRASH" (1984) DR, Carsten Overskov, Denmark

"Fraggle Rock" (1983-1987) Jim Henson, USA

Still-image from the title sequence

"A town called panic" (2002-2003) Belgium, Stéphane Aubier and Vincent Patar

"Olofsson" (2022) Rasmus Albertsen, Sweden

"Kogekunst: Kan ikk' vente til imorgen" (2018) music video

Rasmus Albertsen, Sweden